Unable to setup HunterDouglas PowerView hub


I had been struggling to get my Shades operational thru HA, mainly the integration of the component is not going thru well.
I have the latest version 0.78.3 running and have a fully working Hunter Douglas PowerView Hub connecting to Shades. This works from the native all on my mobile well.

The error I get during set up is …

2018-09-29 12:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [aiopvapi.helpers.aiorequest] Failed to communicate with PowerView hub: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed (‘’, 80)]
2018-09-29 12:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [aiopvapi.helpers.aiorequest] Failed to communicate with PowerView hub: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed (‘’, 80)]
2018-09-29 12:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.scene.hunterdouglas_powerview] Unable to initialize PowerView hub:

This is my config in scenes.yaml file

Scenes yaml

  • platform: hunterdouglas_powerview


Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Hello, did you found a solution?

I have it and works 50-50, I think is something about the hub may be very unresponsive.