Unable to setup my Home Assistant Green

I have tried everything that I could find online to setup my new hub. I typed all of the iterations of the http://homeassistant.local:8123 that i could find. Is there anyone that can point me in the right direction? A part of me wants to just return this and move on but I feel like this could be a good hub to rebuild my smarthome with. I dont know if this would make a difference but, I have a Verizon FIOS-G1100 and I have an pixel 8.

Did you try:


Have you connected a monitor to the Green to see what is going on?

I tried the ip address and port and this is what i get, and I connected my tv ha and that is the prompt that I get. Is there anything you see that could be the problem?

What is what you get?

Go to this address in a web browser on the same network as your Green:

Sorry i tried to upload both but since im new it doesnt let me upload more than 1 image per post

And that web browser is on the same wired local network your Green is connected to?

Yes, I can access the observer URL

Ping lol, so does anyone have any other suggestions?

Search has a few: https://community.home-assistant.io/search?q=unhealthy+setup

That a new Home Assistant Green does report unhealthy is really not good. It sounds like something corrupted or similar.

Can you type supervisor logs using a keyboard on that system? It might have some hints what went wrong.

Maybe the easiest way forward at this point is resetting the device using a SD card: Resetting the device – Home Assistant Green.

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I have the exact same issues on a HA Green that I got today.

Here is what I see in the supervisor logs.

I solved this by resetting the device using an SD card like @agners suggested.

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