Unable to sort/order entities in statistics card

The history card is quite customizable and gives me the opportunity to order all entities exactly the way I want but I can’t seem find a way to achieve the same with the statistics card. I have been playing around with the statistics card for quite some time now but I don’t understand how entities are sorted. Can anybody explain to me how it works and (even better) how I can manipulate the ordering?

What I found out so far:

  • It’s no alphabetic order (not by entity ID, not by friendly name)
  • It’s no ‘first added entity ends up on top’

type: statistics-graph
  - sensor.aquarea_inlet_temperature
  - sensor.aquarea_outlet_temperature
  - sensor.aquarea_outlet_target_temperature
  - sensor.aquarea_outdoor_ambient
  - sensor.tze200_yvx5lh6k_ts0601_7c6b5bfe_temperature
  - sensor.hue_outdoor_motion_sensor_1_temperature
days_to_show: 7
  - mean
title: Verwarming - 7 dgn

Different order in the configuration results in the same output order:

type: statistics-graph
  - sensor.aquarea_inlet_temperature
  - sensor.aquarea_outdoor_ambient
  - sensor.aquarea_outlet_temperature
  - sensor.tze200_yvx5lh6k_ts0601_7c6b5bfe_temperature
  - sensor.aquarea_outlet_target_temperature
  - sensor.hue_outdoor_motion_sensor_1_temperature
days_to_show: 7
  - mean
title: Verwarming - 7 dgn


Hows did you got the Aquarea working in HA? I have it as well but cannot find a good way to make it work

Hi Krasimir,

I’m sorry for the late response. But I got the Aquarea working with a PCB with an onboard ESP8266 running HeishaMon. I ordered it here. After I got it, I configured it with these instructions. There you can find instructions how to do a DIY build too.

There are also ways to use the Panasonic Smart Cloud and Panasonic Service Cloud (requires 2 accounts) which I tried for a few days but the HeishaMon PCB works so much better. Unfortunately I don’t recall which instructions I followed.

Some answers for that question? I also “discovered” this built-in component and it’s quite awkward to no be able to select the order of entities, or any other “trick” like forcing colour of lines in order to have some homogeneous graphs
Any hack is welcomed!

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Unfortunately still no answer. The only “logic” I found so far is that it seems that the entities are ordered by their age. I started noticing this after I added a few new sensors a while ago. No matter if I change their name or entity ID, they are always last in row.


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@r-jean-pierre although a post from the past I see you have statistics - so it seems - for the target temperatures of your thermostats. If this is true, can you share how you have done this? I have now browsed for a few days on the community but can’t find how to get it working.
Many thanks