Unable to stream doorbird on nest hub


I’m trying to cast the video from my doorbird on a nest hub. It has worked, but after few upgrade it’s not working anymore.

When I try to cast using developper tools, the screen of the nest hub goes black with a blue icon and never show the video.

My doorbird live video appear correcty in lovelace so I suppose it’s not a configuration problem.

Does somebody already have that kind of problem an can help me?

Thank’s in advance.


Without knowing what version you are currently running I can only guess that you are currently running an 0.116.x release which had a well documented issue with casting to a nest hub. It was patched with one of the subsequent minor releases.

Thank’s for your answer, I’m running 0.117.4

Then I would personally first check the stream from the doorbird in vlc to ensure the source isn’t the issue.
If streaming worked prior to v116 you may need to raise the issue using the GitHub template. I believe there were some significant changes to streaming in 116 to add audio (hence the casting issues in early 116 releases). I cast Unifi Protect cameras to my nest hub in 117 without issue.

Might be worth checking if this is the issue you have.

I, thank’s for your help. I finally get it working by using “cast” node in node red.

I follow this tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASsjdbW9KU8&t=312s

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