Unable to take control over Lovelace: Saving failed: Not supported

After upgrading to .86 I removed my old lovelace.yaml and planned to go “full Lovelace”. But when I want configure the ui to take controll over Lovelace I get a popup with the message: Saving failed: Not supported. Same thing happens in all browsers. So im stuck with the default Lovelace. Fixable?

That would be indentation/code errors in your migrated Lovelace code I think. I know that if I tried to edit Lovelace via the GUI and there were errors somewhere, that was the error that would come up

But there is no lovelace code, I removed lovelace.yaml before upgrading. So this is vanilla lovelace created by hass.io. And I get no config errors.

make sure you remove

mode: yaml

from configuration.yaml

Yes figured it out myself just now :frowning: Its always the simple things. Hope this can help someone else in the future.

It did help, thanks for this!

but then where is the ui-lovelace.yaml, it should be in the config folder ?

I’m having the same problem; if I delete

mode: yaml

from configuration.yaml

Then I get "The edit UI is not available when in YAML mode.