Unable to turn on ‘climate.generic_thermostat’ entity with automation?

I set up a ‘climate.generic_thermostat’ on HAOS 12.1.

I can successfully operate the entity manually through the dashboard.

I have been unsuccessful in setting up working automations for this entity through either the Visual Editor or through YAML. The Visual editor DOES NOT allow me the options required as shown below.

How do I set up two automations to do the following:

1.Turn OFF ‘climate.generic_thermostat’ by:

  • change ‘Mode’ from ‘Cool’ to 'Off"
  • change ‘Preset’ from ‘None’ to ‘Away’
  1. Turn ON ‘climate.generic_thermostat’ by:
  • change ‘Mode’ from ‘Off’ to ‘Cool’
  • change ‘Preset’ from ‘Away’ to ‘None’

Use “Call Service” to complete the actions.

In the visual editor for the action section of the automation use Call Service, then pick the device, then select what you want the device to do.

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Thank you.

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Glad to help

The confusing part is I can’t select a “device” I have to select an “entity”. In my case I had to go to “call service” then select “Climate: Turn on” before I can find my “Entity Name”.

HA can be a real treat to set up.

Yes, my mistake on that one, it is Entity not device.