Unable to update to latest esphome

Yea. So uninstall+reinstall seem to work, but each update I have to uninstall+reinstall all over again. Updates are essentially not working

Just to keep this alive: ESPHome 2023.6.2 still does not update, same error. Uninstall/install works to update. No problem with any other updates.

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I have the same issue with different addon. So this must be not ESPHome related. In my case it is RaspberryMatic and this is the error i have:

Failed to to call /store/addons/de838cd8_raspberrymatic/update - Can't install ghcr.io/jens-maus/raspberrymatic: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.42/images/ghcr.io/jens-maus/raspberrymatic: Not Found ("No such image: ghcr.io/jens-maus/raspberrymatic:")
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I have exactly the same issue. ESPHome and RaspberryMatic

i was able to find a workaround for my case.
I have RPi 2 and running HomeAssistantOS.
what helped me is manually pulling docker image of the addon and after that triggering the update of the addon through UI.
so i went into the Advanced SSH & Web Terminal and run the following command:

docker pull ghcr.io/jens-maus/raspberrymatic:

(because in my case i had issue with this addon, but i think this is not related to this specific addon, so potentially could also help with ESPhome addon)

after the image is pulled i have just triggered addon update via UI as i normally do.

hope that helps you as well

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You are brilliant! Thank you very much - finally I can access my thermostates again.

The same here. HA on Raspi2. All updates possible except ESPHome