Unable to upgrade Hassio to 0.108.5 on VirtualBox

Hi all.

I am struggling to update Hassio from version 0.108.3 to 0.108.5 on a VirtualBox configured with 1GB RAM, 2x CPU cores, 32GB VHDD space. I have no issues with networking or internet access from Hassio as all the other components seems to work just fine.

I get the error: Error: Unknown Error, see logs
Here is an extract of the log file:

20-04-15 19:37:58 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetch update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
20-04-15 19:39:33 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.docker.interface] Restart homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant
20-04-15 19:41:15 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Detect a running Home Assistant instance
20-04-15 19:51:56 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Clean addon_a0d7b954_wireguard application
20-04-15 19:51:59 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on hassioaddons/wireguard-amd64 with version 0.3.0
20-04-15 19:52:03 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.security] /host/info access from a0d7b954_wireguard
20-04-15 19:52:04 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.security] /dns/info access from a0d7b954_wireguard
20-04-15 19:53:05 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.interface] Clean addon_core_mosquitto application
20-04-15 19:53:09 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [supervisor.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/amd64-addon-mosquitto with version 5.1
20-04-15 19:53:12 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.services.modules.mqtt] Set core_mosquitto as service provider for mqtt
20-04-15 19:53:13 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Clean addon_core_configurator application
20-04-15 19:53:17 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/amd64-addon-configurator with version 4.7
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Full-Snapshot aa827b0e start
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Snapshot aa827b0e store Add-ons
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_mosquitto
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_samba
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on a0d7b954_wireguard
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Build snapshot for add-on core_configurator
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_mosquitto
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_configurator
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon a0d7b954_wireguard
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.addon] Finish snapshot for addon core_samba
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Snapshot aa827b0e store folders
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder addons/local
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder homeassistant
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder share
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder ssl
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder addons/local done
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder share done
20-04-15 19:55:36 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder ssl done
20-04-15 19:55:38 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.snapshots.snapshot] Snapshot folder homeassistant done
20-04-15 19:55:38 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Full-Snapshot aa827b0e done
20-04-15 19:55:45 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Removed snapshot file 2890ad56
20-04-15 19:55:59 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.snapshots] Removed snapshot file 418fc327
20-04-15 19:56:37 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetch update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
20-04-15 20:07:26 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.108.5
20-04-15 20:07:26 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Update image homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.3 to homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.5
20-04-15 20:07:26 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant tag 0.108.5.
20-04-15 20:12:37 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.5 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.5: No such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.5").
20-04-15 20:12:37 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant image fails

I have seen on other topics people increased the VHDD size from 6GB to 10GB, but I am running 32GB and still having this issue.

Anyone else experienced this issue and managed to solve this? Your help would be appreciated.

Exactly same problem

Has the exact same issue. Resolved using the Steps mentioned in another article.

Basically, its running out of space and if you already increased the VHDD size, you have to also expand the filesystem to take that space.

The OS now expands into the available space if you allocate more. Introduced in 3.8 or so.

And I got a good laugh about expanding from 6 to 10 GB.

32 GB is the recommended size.

Being bit of a noob when it comes to Linux stuff, does anyone knows about a safe and easy way to expand the file system using VirtualBox or some easy to understand commands for Hassio?

Same here, can’t update and already expanded my VHDD. Doesn’t seem to do the job unfortunately :frowning:

With vboxmanage make a copy of the virtual disk.
Resize the cloned disk.
Then download a readymade bootable image with gparted.
Setup the gparted image in virtualbox and start it, then expand the cloned disk.
Change the virtual machine to point to the new resized disk.

All needed is in this links: