Unable to Use Attribute in Automation


I am new to home assistant so hopefully I am doing this correctly. I have been scratching my head over this and have tried 20+ different things to get an automation to check an attribute with no luck, not sure why it is not working, I haven’t had this issue with other devices.

I have a lock that has the following attributes:

I am attempting to make an automation based on the “lockStatus: #” state / attribute and cannot get it to function. Here is what I tried (I also tried simpler attributes like ‘locked: true’):

condition: state
entity_id: lock.garage_door
attribute: lockStatus
state: 3
condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('lock.garage_door', 'lockStatus', '3') }}"

I also tried different attributes like ‘locked: true’ with true and false values and could not get that to pass a test either. Are there certain states / attributes that cannot be used in automation or am I just doing this incorrectly?

that should have worked

that should be

condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('lock.garage_door', 'lockStatus', 3) }}"

UNLESS… Can you copy/paste the attributes from developer tools → states page?

Thanks so much for the reply. I tried the template and get that the condition does not pass:

category: LOCK
  name: Garage Door
  model: T8520
  serialNumber: #
  hardwareVersion: P3
  stationSerialNumber: #
  battery: 76
  locked: true
  lockStatus: 3
  p2pLiveStreamingStatus: false
  rtspLiveStreamingStatus: false
  global_motion_sensor: false
  type: 51
  autoLockTimer: 180
  autoLockScheduleStartTime: '23:00'
  autoLockScheduleEndTime: '06:00'
  wrongTryAttempts: 5
  wrongTryLockdownTime: 180
  sound: 0
  autoLockSchedule: false
  notification: true
  notificationUnlocked: true
  oneTouchLocking: true
  wrongTryProtection: true
  autoLock: false
  notificationLocked: true
  scramblePasscode: false
    key: device_name
    name: name
    label: Name
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: device_model
    name: model
    label: Model
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: device_sn
    name: serialNumber
    label: Serial number
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: device_type
    name: type
    label: Type
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: number
      '0': Station
      '1': Camera
      '2': Sensor
      '3': Floodlight
      '4': Camera E
      '5': Doorbell
      '7': Battery Doorbell
      '8': Camera 2
      '9': Camera 2c
      '10': Motion Sensor
      '11': Keypad
      '14': Camera 2 Pro
      '15': Camera 2c Pro
      '16': Battery Doorbell 2
      '30': Indoor Camera
      '31': Indoor Camera PT
      '32': Solo Camera
      '33': Solo Camera Pro
      '34': Indoor Camera 1080
      '35': Indoor Camera PT 1080
      '37': Floodlight 8422
      '38': Floodlight 8423
      '39': Floodlight 2
      '44': Outdoor Camera 1080P No Light
      '45': Outdoor Camera 2k
      '46': Outdoor Camera 1080P
      '50': Lock Basic
      '51': Lock Advanced
      '52': Lock Basic No Finger
      '53': Lock Basic Advanced No Finger
      '54': Lock 8503
      '55': Lock 8530
      '56': Lock 85A3
      '57': Lock 8592
      '58': Lock 8504
      '60': Solo Camera Spotlight 1080p
      '61': Solo Camera Spotlight 2k
      '62': Solo Camera Spotlight Solar
      '90': SmartDrop, Smart Delivery Box
      '91': Video Doorbell Dual
      '93': Video Doorbell Dual (Wired)
    key: main_hw_version
    name: hardwareVersion
    label: Hardware version
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: main_sw_version
    name: softwareVersion
    label: Software version
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: station_sn
    name: stationSerialNumber
    label: Station serial number
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: string
    key: 6001
    name: battery
    label: Battery percentage
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: number
    unit: '%'
    min: 0
    max: 100
    key: custom_locked
    name: locked
    label: locked
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6000
    name: lockStatus
    label: Lock status
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: number
      '1': '1'
      '2': '2'
      '3': Unlocked
      '4': Locked
      '5': Mechanical anomaly
      '6': '6'
      '7': '7'
    key: 6500
    name: autoLock
    label: Auto Lock
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6600
    name: autoLockTimer
    label: Auto Lock Timer
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: number
      '1': 1 sec.
      '30': 30 sec.
      '60': 1 min.
      '90': 1,5 min.
      '120': 2 min.
      '150': 2,5 min.
      '180': 3 min.
    default: 60
    unit: sec
    key: 6501
    name: autoLockSchedule
    label: Auto Lock Schedule
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6601
    name: autoLockScheduleStartTime
    label: Auto Lock Schedule Starttime (24-hour clock)
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: string
    default: '23:00'
    format: {}
    key: 6602
    name: autoLockScheduleEndTime
    label: Auto Lock Schedule Endtime (24-hour clock)
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: string
    default: '6:00'
    format: {}
    key: 6502
    name: oneTouchLocking
    label: One-Touch Locking
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6503
    name: wrongTryProtection
    label: Wrong Try Protection
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6603
    name: wrongTryAttempts
    label: Wrong Try Attempts
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: number
    min: 3
    max: 10
    default: 6
    key: 6604
    name: wrongTryLockdownTime
    label: Wrong Try Lockdown Time
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: number
      '60': 1 min.
      '120': 2 min.
      '180': 3 min.
      '240': 4 min.
      '300': 5 min.
    default: 300
    unit: sec
    key: 6504
    name: scramblePasscode
    label: Scramble Passcode
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6505
    name: sound
    label: Sound
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: number
      '0': 'Off'
      '1': Low
      '2': Medium
      '3': High
    default: 2
    key: 6506
    name: notification
    label: Notification
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6605
    name: notificationUnlocked
    label: Notification Unlocked
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: 6606
    name: notificationLocked
    label: Notification Locked
    readable: true
    writeable: true
    type: boolean
    key: custom_lowBatteryAlert
    name: lowBatteryAlert
    label: Low Battery Alert
    readable: true
    writeable: false
    type: boolean
friendly_name: Garage Door

maybe this:

condition: template
value_template: "{{ state_attr('lock.garage_door', 'lockStatus') == 3 }}"

Actually, just checked they are the same, not used the is_state_attr before, you learn something new every day

No luck with that either :frowning:

Based on your screenshot, lock.garage_door has an attribute named state whose value is a dictionary. One of the dictionary’s keys is named lockStatus.

condition: template
value_template: "{{ state_attr('lock.garage_door', 'state').lockStatus == 3 }}"

Sorry for the late response, as I expected, your attribute is not what you thought it was. 123 has the correct solution

That worked! Thank you so much! I had no it was considered a dictionary, I will need to read up on it.

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