Unavariable sensor in templates

I got the following tamplate

{{ expand('group.batterier') 
| map (attribute='state') 
| map ('int') |select('<', 10) | list | count > 0  }}

generating the following output when everything is ok

Result type: boolean


This template listens for the following state changed events:

* **Entity**: group.batterier
* **Entity**: sensor.bedroom_switch_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.caroline_switch_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.front_door_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.gang2_switch_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.have_hegn_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.have_spot_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.livingroom_switch_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.motion_hallway_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.pool_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.sensor_badevaerelse_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.sensor_stue_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.sovevaerelse2_battery
* **Entity**: sensor.trappe_battery

This is the result if one of the sensors become unavarible.
Is there anyway to exclude that sensor in the template ?

ValueError: Template error: int got invalid input 'unavailable' when rendering template '{{ expand('group.batterier') 

| map (attribute='state') 
| map ('int') |select('<', 10) | list | count > 0  }}' but no default was specified

Code in the automation, it is triggered by a timer, purpose is to notify if a battery need attension.

  - if:
    - condition: template
      value_template: "{{ expand('group.batterier') \n|map(attribute='state')\n|map
        ('int') \n|select('<', 10)|list|count > 0 } default=0}\n"
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      data: {}
        entity_id: input_boolean.batterystate
    - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      data: {}
        entity_id: input_boolean.batterystate
  mode: single
{{ expand('group.batterier') 
| selectattr('state','ne','unavailable')
| map (attribute='state') 
| map ('int') |select('<', 10) | list | count > 0  }}
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Works like a charm, many thanks.

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