Hi all,
Does anyone uses this generic CC2652P CC2652 USB Coordinator:
If yes, which firmware do you use?
I am thinking about replacing my Nortek coordinator by this one or a Sonoff because I am Nortek doesn’t play well with Ikea devices
Hi all,
Does anyone uses this generic CC2652P CC2652 USB Coordinator:
If yes, which firmware do you use?
I am thinking about replacing my Nortek coordinator by this one or a Sonoff because I am Nortek doesn’t play well with Ikea devices
If anyone got one of those the CC1352P2_CC2652P_other_*.zip firmware from https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware works fine.
I ended up getting a Sonoff stick to use as a coordinator, so I am using this one as a router and I can say it works fine with the Koenkk firmware.