Underfloor heating + convector hardware thermostat?

Hello guys,
Im building right now new house with Air to Water heat pump + underfloor water heating + convector for cold during the summer. Can someone share hardware thermostat that can open and close the valve + control the temperature + control the FAN also should be able to switch between Cold and Heat to be able to switch the logic for heating and cooling. I found this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005650411387.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.5.f92c2e4aBqilTs&algo_pvid=f5fb7007-3836-4dfc-8258-dba6180ac16d&algo_exp_id=f5fb7007-3836-4dfc-8258-dba6180ac16d-2&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21BGN%21129.23%2165.91%21%21%2170.60%2136.01%21%40211b801917056804244568692e944a%2112000033885818668%21sea%21BG%21748767542%21&curPageLogUid=uw2al3D76iij&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A But dont know if this one can be integrated to Home Assistant. Thanks in advance.

Yes it can trough zigbee. Its is supported by zigbee2mqtt

Perffect so if I order Zigebee will work without any issues?

No guarantees, but it should give n problems