Understanding about heating

I’m having a lot of trouble understanding my heating system.

My setup is as follows:

I have a classic old gas boiler (on / off). And I started with a Tado setup: the basic wired thermostat and 2 Tado thermostatic TRVs and 2 Tuya TRVs.

What bothers me with Tado is the distorted temperature taken directly by the heads, with large margins of error possible.

In the future I want to free myself from Tado, and make full use of Home Assistant to use temperature sensors external.

Here’s what I don’t understand, in all the great blueprints I can’t adapt my current configuration.
Most of the time there’s a TRV field to fill in, and as I want to set different temperatures for the living room and the bedrooms, indicating only the TRV(s) without the entity that activates the boiler won’t work, do we agree?

How can I do this? For each automation, do I have to indicate my Tado Thermostat + the TRVS(s)?
If my Tado Thermostat heats the living room AND the bedroom and the bedroom has suddenly reached its ideal temperature, will it ask the boiler to switch off without knowing that the heating should continue in the living room?

Thank you for helping me to understand, I am aware that my setup is hybrid, please do not hesitate to suggest a setup without Tado that will give me ideas for the future …

Not sure if I fully understand. So you have a gas boiler that heats the water for your heating in all rooms, correct? Does it also heat the tap/shower etc. water? Usually a gas boiler has 2 heater loops. One for heating and one for tap water. The gas boiler is set to certain temperatures and has its own “intelligence” to keep the heating and tap water at those defined temperatures (+/-) by turning on/off automatically. It may have an external temperature sensor to decide if it can switch off heating water completely (e.g. outside temp above 25 C). In the rooms you have the TRVs to set the desired temp per room. Is this all correct?

Thank you for your reply. Indeed, I have a boiler for the domestic water as well as for my heating circuit.
The base temperature is set on my Tado wired thermostat wired to my boiler. The boiler can be fitted with an outdoor sensor but in my case I don’t need it.
In the rooms (living room, bedrooms) I have at least 1 radiator fitted with a Tado / Tuya thermostatic head (My Tado devices are interfaced with Home Assistant via HomeKit, and my Tuya heads run on Zigbee2MQTT).

I believe there is no blueprint that fits your scenario. But have a look at this custom component. It uses an external temperature sensor to measure the real room temperature. And it supports Tado and Zigbee2Mqtt. This might be a good start to get closer to what you need. Maybe some additional automations are needed but check this out first.



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Super thank you very much, I’ll take a look at it.
I’d like to know what’s wrong with my current setup so that I can’t use a classic blueprint? Could you describe a simple setup that would allow me to use a blueprint?

My guess at what your system is/does:
I doubt seriously that any of the thermostats in the living area control the boiler at all. Boiler is controlled by it’s own internal temp control.
The original system was likely designed that the wall thermostat controls a circ pump to push hot water thru the system. The valve thermostat(s) can shut off/turn on hot water to that radiator, but if the main thermostat isn’t calling for heat turning on the circ pump, that radiator won’t get flow or warm. It is possible that your valve thermostat can call for the circ pump, but we have no idea it it can or not.

What I would do:
If it were me, I’d have control valves on all the radiators controlled by HA, and when ANY of them called for heat, I would turn on the circ pump. actual temps would be monitored by a sensor somewhere else in each ‘zone’/room with a radiator. For that the MA generic thermostat integration running in every room would work just fine.

Where can we help?:
Since we are guessing what random blueprint you call generic (Hint, they are all custom written by people like you with specific needs in mind and in no way generic) and the exact nature of your system, we can’t help you much.

Also what is your question and/or error message. If you can’t tell us that we also can’t help much.

We are not going to design your heating system, we answer questions on how blueprints/automation/scripts work programmatically.

Thank you all for your explanations, it’s generally clearer for me now. I have a better vision of my current heating system now.

I don’t expect you to create a blueprint, of course there are plenty I can draw on.

I’m going to get to work, winter’s coming!