Understanding database and configuration.yaml and how to manually edit

Just new at HA and installed it yesterday running a VM with VMware Photon OS and docker on it, then installed following the install on Docker guide. I managed to add my Tuya lights and control them. Now while playing with scenes I get some strange results and found an instruction on how the make some changes to the configuration.yaml file to have better control ( https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/scene/ ).

But the configuration.yaml file is next to empty. Why can’t I see the scene I’ve been testing in the configuration.yaml file? Is this configuration part stored in the database? If so, how can I edit that?

I can’t figure out how the database and the configuration.yaml file play together. How can I easily see a logging of how the configuration.yaml file is read and if all is accepted what is in the file?


Is there an include statement for scenes in config?
Do you have scenes.yaml or scene.yaml?

The database has nothing to do with configuration. It just stores states for recorder/history.

Oh… duh… sorry I didn’t see the scenes.yaml. Yes it is there and has the entries.

So just to be sure. The database stores much of the historical data and some configuration settings, but most things to into files like scenes.yaml, scripts.yaml, etc and these files should get updated then.


No it doesn’t store ANY config settings. Purely states.

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Not all configuration is stored in configuration files in yaml and it’s getting less and less common these days.

Most of your configuration will be stored in the files located in the .storage folder. These files aren’t meant to be user editable.