Understanding entities and their limitations

:question: For example I have “virtual sensors” in sensors.yaml. i can’t move them in another area nor can I give them an unique_id. How can I change that?

:question: I have multiple ZWave devices with “weird” entity names like switch.double_relay_switch_2x1_5kw_2_3 or just other devices that were used for something else before. These names are confusing, especially because sometimes friendly_name is not visible.

Can I change this without breaking everything? I would like to have something like switch.kitchen

:question: I am also using apiNetatmo to get public stations and I can’t move or edit them. I guess this has to be done by the developer, right? (or I could possibly change that somehow)

Go to configuration → entities to change name or entity_id.
Perhaps it works without breaking something, it depends on where you use the entities. But generally set the names as soon as you add an entity.

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It is possible to assign a unique_id to a Template Sensor. Once it has a unique_id, you can assign the entity to an area via Configuration > Entities.

The names are assigned by the ZWave integration. You can change them afterwards (via Configuration > Entities)

I’m not familiar with the NetAtmo integration but if it creates entities with a unique_id then they can be modified as described above.

Well it took some time, but it worked. I thought it was not possible for alle, but it’s just the domain, that has to stay.

It is important to change all automations and HomeKit.

The netatmo plugin I use is not the official plugin, it is much simpler and allows for data of any station on earth.

What is apiNetatmo and what is it used for? Public weather stations are supported by the official integration already.

The cool thing about this plugin is, that you can get data from a specific station (when you know the MAC address). The official plugin only gets it from the area.

Can you please provide a link?


Feature Request

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Thanks. To be honest I would be very surprised if that actually works.

The plugin works. I know the owner of the station.