I am sorry if my question has already been asked. I searched the forums and found some help but nothing specific to my situation so I am hoping I can gain some understanding.
Currently I am brand new to Home Assistant but not new to Home Automation. Moving from another platform I am trying to understand the functionality.
I am currently running 5.9 and Zwave. I wanted to start off by understanding the install process since the majority of my devices are Zwave. Starting with my first device. Aeon Labs 5Gen 4in1 sensor. It seemed to install properly but I can not find the reading for the actual Motion. What I see
Gen5. Ready
Alarm Level 0
Alarm Type 0
Burglar 7
Lum 5 Lux
Humidity 23%
Gen5 Sensor ( I assume there Binary) On
SourceNodeID 0
Temp 72F
Battery 100%
Obviously some are self explanatory but how motion is read and detected is puzzling me. From some articles I read it seems burglar is the motion but thats just a number and not an off / on state.
Another article I found talked about the binary which above has a state thats On but never seems to change. How can I see when something is tripped?
Also I want to add this Sensor is USB powered.
Can anyone help me make sense of it?