Understanding Our Community: The 2024 Home Assistant Survey

Hi there, just completed the survey, and some extra feedback:

  • The half way submission is a great idea, I probably just missed it, but I didn’t see it as an option.
  • The survey is quite long (and I’m quite slow), perhaps even having a quarter / three quarter submission options would be good.
  • The end of the survey snuck up on me and I didn’t get a chance to say that Home Assistant is a really important part of my life, so I just wanted to thank you and the entire team for the fantastic and important work you do. :heart:

Clearly you didn’t read the announcement.

I am pleased this is ‘anonymised’.
The amount of information asked put together would be very uniquely identifiable.

Is the data released going to include everything said in ‘other’ and [type here] answers?


What I am missing:
All Questions are about the Status Quo, not covering what my Goals, Wishes or next Steps are.


Speaking of accessibility, I didn’t even know that ‘neurodivergent’ was a word😄
I also learnt that some prefers to be addressed as “they”…


Somewhat related to this (as well as the 2024 year-end roadmap update blog post) is that have previously seen that Annika also posted a less formal forum thread with an open question to the community about Best Practices for a Private Smart Home So recommend that anyone interested in providing suggestions and feedback also that check out that thread too here:

As I interpret her post there, I believe she is asking us to reply in that thread with our lists of both general and specific best practices you would recommend that everyone should try to follow in order to better protect their digital privacy when about begin with a totally new smart home setup from scratch without having to reuse any legacy components, and as such specifically targeting a proposed scenario where someone who is planning to move to a new house/apartment, so I assume that means starting from a clean slate that lacks constraints imposed by prior smart home solutions that person may have, (which in technical jargon/terminology is commonly referred to as a greenfield project).


Don’t worry—we’ll only share aggregated and summarized insights from the responses. In the free-text answers, we’re looking at overall patterns and themes, not sharing anything word-for-word.


If you read the post, you’ll see the intent of the survey:

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One observation: the “matrix” question about interaction with the community was a little unclear. I rarely interact “to solve a problem” that I have; but frequently interact “to solve a problem” that others have.


Indeed :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Holy moly! I am happy and eager to contribute to a survey about HA… But this thing is a BEAST. I finally gave up half way through. WAAYYYYYYYY too many questions!

Just going to flag that this question is just ambiguous enough that I wouldn’t trust the responses. Does build ESPhome firmware mean you’re manually compiling the source code (presumably due to customizations), or does it simply refer to running through the (quite simple) compile YAML + download?


I assumed it meant “wrote your yaml files and compiled it” vs things like apollo or ratgdo where you download the file and just run it.


Thanks for running this survey! It took me 25 min to complete. I’m a slow reader. :slight_smile:

Big survey but hey it’s the least I can do…

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Yes. Read it. I am missing Questions what my Goals, Wishes or next Steps are.

Im asked about the language we speak at home. Two.
I am asked about if we use Voice Assistant. No.
I am missing the possibility to say “But i would love to make this my next project”.

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Let me be more clear: This survey isn’t looking for that information.

Yes, it is not.
And this is what I am missing :smiley:

Edit: Yes, you (They? Nabu Casa? Foundation? Homeassistant) wanna get to know who uses it as of today. And how it started. I think the future Goals are as interesting as the past.

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And that may come in the future, but that’s not what this survey is about.

The month of WTH is currently about what the users want added in the future.

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