Understanding zwcfg_0*.xml better using CT 101 Thermostat

I just bought a Radio Thermostat CT 101. It loaded as node 6. Below will be some detail info.
So why are there two controls? Is one heat and the other cool? If so why not say that? Do I need to handle it in customization?

To start the questions for the xml. I see a “COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY”.
Does that mean I can read the battery level as a sensor? The answer to that may help me understand how to read the xml and map it to the HASS state engine.

Also while I am here. Starting with .47.1 (opt in) and .48.1 (opt out), there is a way to control the zwave device node name. I not sure I follow. Right now I am on .48.1 and I did not opt out, so is that why I am not seeing a cooling/heating? Where in the xml do you change the node name?

_Here is a snippent from my zwcfg.xml._*

Here are some screenshots of the device.

Top one …

Bottom One

Another question … Can I gather enough information to display say the temperature?
So if I go to the dev option and try this …

{%set tmp = states(“zwave.2gig_technologies_ct101_thermostat_iris”)%}
{{ tmp.Temperature}}

What would it take to see the temperature?