Unexpected error: Using a call-service node, I get: no attribute '_state'

I am using the call service node to respond to an Alexa-Home node to turn my office light on or off. That part is working. The inject nodes also turn the light on or off.

So, what is my question?
Why does the turn on node get the following error:

29 Jul 23:34:31 - [error] [api-call-service:Office Light On] HomeAssistantError: ‘EsphomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘_state’

What’s the message that is going to the call service look like? Also enable output to debug in that call service node.

msg.payload is irrelevant, but it’s either “off” or “on”. Note the problem presents with this flow:
call service

The only difference in the two call-service nodes is the Service: it’s either turn_on or turn_off

Delete that node and drag a new one out. If it persists, what is the error message when you enable output to debug in the call service?

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Done. No difference. The error is always the same:

HomeAssistantError: ‘EsphomeLight’ object has no attribute ‘_state’

I have “solved” the issue, which wasn’t really an issue since the call service node works even with the warning.

Inserting a new call-service node resulted in the same warning. I then copied a call-service node from another flow and changed the entity_id. Now it works with no warning. Comparing the working node configuration with the node with a warning look identical. Weird.

And while testing various configurations, the other bug hit me and the inject and debug nodes went unavailable for a few minutes…

I am wondering if I should remove and reinstall the add-on? All of my nodes would still be installed?