Unexpected midnight reboot

Seems HAOS rebooted last night at midnight. The logs show no indication as to why. Its running on in a VM where the host shows it was up, and the VM itself was up.

The previous days logs look normal, but…

At 10.28pm its suddenly starts logging at DEBUG level for ‘bellows’ (I did not set this) and for 10 seconds it spews out a ton of lines in the log, then stops again.

The log then carries on as normal until 11.33pm which is the last entry.

Then the strange reboot.

It looks like it was an unexpected reboot because I then get this as the first line in the new log:-

“The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly”.

Is there anywhere else I can check to see what might have caused this ?