This is what is keeping me from starting using mine, I haven’t had the chance to figure this out (not sure if it’s supported yet even).
You can create activities via the Web Configurator. Just navigate to the Activities menu and add a new one, include the devices you’d like to have in that activity and then you can assign any commands to any buttons as well as customise the UI you’ll see on the remote.
Thank you! I tried a couple of weeks ago but couldn’t find a way to change the HDMI sources in the activities, is that an error on my end?
Depends on what device we’re talking about and if that supports this.
Android TV (Philips OLED 903/12), Android set top box (Norwegian ISP Altibox model A, link in norwegian), Apple TV 4K are the devices I have plugged in to the TV.
Ah this was very easy and I’m not sure why I couldn’t figure this out on my own. Thank you!
Is there a way to make a HA service call? Or do I need to wrap it into an automation or something first and then add to UC Remote 2? I created a button press entity but it’s not seen by the remote as a command.
You should be able to use scripts.
Hmm any script I make seems to show up as an entity. Not sure how to make entities do anything at this point.
I’ve used template buttons. They can then be added to activities and linked to hard buttons.
Could you create template buttons and put the script inside those?
Yes you could do that too.
I wanted to add my Big Ass Fan to remote but it doesn’t show as an entity in HA? It is an enitity in HA itself. I can see other entities for the fan like LED, Beep, Whoosh etc…
Anyone have any thoughts?
Fan entities are not supported (yet?) as far as I know.
Tried their Apple TV integration; finds the ATV but no pin is generated by the ATV. Doesn’t seem to see the remote two. Any suggestions, please.
I wanted to make everything IP controlled as I have no icky stateless IR remote controls. For the most part this is do-able with the home assistant integration for the remote.
Unfortunately I have no way of adjusting volume up or down. The Yamaha media player imported from home assistant only has the ability to set absolute volume levels.
Maybe a Yamaha MusicCast integration will be released for the remote in future (I see no evidence of this, despite the well documented open API) but until then the remote is useless to me and I have gone back to using ipads and HA dashboards.
It’s an extra step, but you could create two scripts in HA (one for volume up, one for volume down), add them to the Remote Two HA integration, then the activity, then assign the scripts to the volume button. The volume up script would get the current volume state, add one to that, and set it. The volume down would do the same but subtract one.
Yeah thought of that but it is not a great experience. People expect holding the button to continue to adjust the volume.
True. Maybe once the Remote Two supports other kinds of presses you could write a script that would start on a hold and loop until release. I don’t think alternate press things are very soon on the product map for the Remote Two though.
EDIT: The Remote Two does have a “repeat” if you hold the button down (the hardware buttons at least). I just tried with my remote (where the volume is two scripts in HA), and it does, in fact, run the script over and over again to move to volume up (or down). I’ve done single press volume changes for so long I didn’t even think to try.
Just seeing this now. The MusicCast integration for HA does volume control for my Yamaha AVR through my R2 without any problem. The core Yamaha integration doesn’t but the MusicCast one is pretty good (the only challenge I am having is that Mute is not a toggle so I have to unmute using the volume up/down).
It also does source switching properly (on the R2 you use the Send Command function).