anyone know where to obtain the API for the unifi camera, i assume it is in the NVR somewhere?
should be in URL used to access controller
I cannot remember if it was in UI (havent used unifi nvr in a while)
It is in the account page on unifi video controller server. Where you would go to change username/password to login unifi server.
You may need to enable API.
Thanks a lot.
I have found the APi so i will try to get that working.
Did you get this working? I grabbed my api from the ui copied and pasted it in my config and I get unable to login in the logs?
You also need to include the login password in your Unifi configuration.
It is also worth a mention that the camera might lock you out from to many bad attempts.
I retrieved the password from Unifi and updated the config, then restarted the camera, unifi and ha all at the same time. Now my pictures are getting retrieved.
Does HA hammer the camera’s when a PW is not specified?
Hi there,
Im new to Home.assistant and have tried to add a component, ubnt cam.
- platform: uvc
key: ******
But the camera didn´t show up in home assistant, can anybody help me?
B/rgs Mads
Is this camera IP or Unifi Video Server IP?
Should use Unifi Video Server IP.