Having just upgraded from a Unifi controller on a PI (v5.12.35) to a Cloud Ke Gen2+ I can not get the integration to work with my Home Assistant (HassOS 3.11).
Using the configuration>integrations>add new. I entered the IP and username and password and receive:
"No service available"
At first i thought it could be the DuckDNS config so i removed this and it still is inoperative.
I have since spun up the controller on a PI and re-added the integration first time. in my mind eliminating any network config or DuckDNS issue.
Are there limitations when using the integration with a cloud key gen 2 plus?
I now have it operational. I had incorrectly configured the DNS on the cloud key management window. After rebooting HomeAssist and adding the integration it works perfectly as before!!
Also solved my remote access to my cloud key.
I knew it must have been my mistake but I got there in the end!
Hi guys, I have just purchased Unifi Cloud Key gen2 and cannot set it up working in Home Assistant Ubiquity Unifi Integration. The issue is the integration setup asks for Unifi controller IP address and then uses it together with port (8443) like However the controller within the Cloud Key does not run on that port, instead it is accesible via (the unifi Protect then sits on If I use as the controller address and either leave 8443 port or delete it, I get a connection error.
Previously I used Unifi controller running on the same device as Home Assistant using Docker containers and it worked fine. Any ideas of how to get it working?