Unifi G4 Doorbell Pro not working with HomeKit

Hey guys, I am having a terrible time getting the G4 Doorbell Bro integrated into HomeKit. No matter what I do I cannot get the video to show up there. I have it in HA. I have it exposed to HomeKit, I have tried the setting about the H.264 setting. I have enabled RTSP in the UI Settings. Nothing seems to work?

While back I use to have it (partially) working, but it would stop responding often, or only show picture but not videos, I had to keep re-enabling access on the ATV, so I just ended up running hombridge with homebridge camera ui plugin - works awesome. That’s all I use homebridge for. You can disabled motion detection there and have HA use automation to call the HB HTTP dummy switch which triggers homekit/ATV to show camera on screen etc. This has been much more stable experience. Wish we had Camera Ui like plugin in HA.

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Do you run homebridge on the same Pi as HA or a different one?

I no longer run Pi for either. I use VMs, one is HA VM and one is Debian with Homebridge on it.
Never had a setup with both on the same Pi so can’t comment on such performance.