Unifi G4 Pro Doorbell

Hi All,

I have my G4 Pro ringing the speakers in my house when the door bell is pressed. This simple automation is working correctly.

Last night however the doorbell decided to update itself at 03:00. When the doorbell turned itself off and back on this triggered door push entity which also played the alert all over the house.

Has anyone encountered this and found away to stop it. Or does anyone know how to stop the doorbell autoupdating as I haven’t been able to find this in the menus either.

Thanks in advance.

What trigger do you use in your automation ? event or using the binary_sensor ?

That is strange, that condition should prevent an accidental trigger

You can turn off auto updates here:

Settings - Control Plane

Thanks for the advice. At least I have it programmed right.

For now i’ve just disabled autoupdate :slight_smile:

Thanks again