Unifi Integration looks like no one is showing home status anymore

This is being going on for a few weeks now. I have 2 SSIDs, my normal LAN and a VLAN one for my tenant in the basement. Been using this for around 2 years no without issue. I use his phone for presence for outside lights at night. I have noticed that even though in Unifi its been showing him as online every night, Home-Assistant has stopped updating its status. Im running 8.0.7 but have tried on 7.5. I do not recall changing anything that could cause this. Any ideas what could be happening?

Correction. it seems to be all the mobile devices even on the main LAN. I have tried to delete and re-add the integration but no luck. No idea what could have changed.

Update: It works with the Unifi AP intergration

What are the devices that you added “that belong to this person” under People?

I also have UniFi and my presence detection seems functioning.

I do not use a single device as my presence, but a collection that is tied to a “People” entry. I do not use the MAC address either, I use the explicit name (i.e. device_tracker.<cell name>)

When I look at such entity, both the UniFi and the mobile app shows up as part of the Integration.

For this person its a cellphone and a firestick. I just noticed they were both set to always away. For myself, I use zones and unifi under my “person” so I didn’t notice that it was actually showing away through unifi as well. But all online in the controller.

Did you resolve the issue? I am facing the same. I also have phones tracker linked to persons. When I reload the integration it shows home, after a while it is away and not updating anymore.
This worked for years also in my setup.

I have not yet but few people have been chiming in on the github issue I put in.

For now I have moved to the Unifi AP intergration which has been solid while keeping an eye on the issue.

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but I have 5 AP’s with 150 devices. The Unifi AP integration only takes one IP so this is not an alternative unfortunately.

Its not done in the UI. Only yaml. So just add the 5 IPs

- platform: unifi_direct
  username: !secret unifi_user
  password: !secret unifi_pass

- platform: unifi_direct
  username: !secret unifi_user
  password: !secret unifi_pass

- platform: unifi_direct
  username: !secret unifi_user
  password: !secret unifi_pass