Unifi integration not working after 2023.8.1

Hi all,

I was not able to find any related topics.

After the update to 2023.8.1 the Unifi integration failed to load.

After removing the hub and adding I can change settings and all, but not able to see any Unifi device status (e.g. Firmware status).
Connected network devices become available as entry.

Unifi controller is a linux vm and works just fine. running version 7.3.83

I could not find any breaking changes regarding Unifi.
I can pinpoint the break, as it stopped working after 2023.8.1

Any idea’s?

What does your logs say? It works fine here on 2023.8.1, my controller is the UDM though.

1 Like

before re-adding the integration:

2023-08-09 09:01:28.144 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.unifi] Error connecting to the UniFi Network at 
2023-08-09 09:01:28.145 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'Thuis' for unifi integration not ready yet; Retrying in background

I can not add the hub based on the IP anymore.
However, I’ve added this through a DNS name Wifi.domainname.xx and then this is added.
For this specific entry I have a internal DNS which resolves through the same IP.

I can confirm that the machine is able to reach the controller. even on IP.

Yes, they are in separate vlans. Firewall en routing is checked and perfectly fine. Of course will tripple check it, but doubt this is something that could cause the issue as It clearly stopped right at the moment of the 2023.8.1 update.

When I add it without verifying the SSL-certificate, it fails anyhow.
When I add it with validation the certificate it is working.
There is a valid public certicate applied to the controller based on the publc FQDN (which I used for adding it into HA).

I’m scratching my head what possibly could have been changed.

2023-08-09 16:39:35.163 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] received (from https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/self/sites) 200 application/json <ClientResponse(https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/self/sites) [200 ]>
<CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Wed, 09 Aug 2023 14:39:34 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache', 'Vary': 'Origin', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '231')>

2023-08-09 16:39:35.163 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] data (from https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/self/sites) {'meta': {'rc': 'ok'}, 'data': [{'_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472', 'name': 'default', 'desc': 'Thuis', 'attr_hidden_id': 'default', 'attr_no_delete': True, 'anonymous_id': '8cb3ae7a-f7e8-448d-82d5-915a174a07b4', 'role': 'admin', 'device_count': 6}]}
2023-08-09 16:39:35.163 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] [{'_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472',
  'anonymous_id': '8cb3ae7a-f7e8-448d-82d5-915a174a07b4',
  'attr_hidden_id': 'default',
  'attr_no_delete': True,
  'desc': 'Thuis',
  'device_count': 6,
  'name': 'default',
  'role': 'admin'}]
2023-08-09 16:39:35.163 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] sending (to https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/s/default/self) get, None, {}
2023-08-09 16:39:35.181 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] received (from https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/s/default/self) 200 application/json <ClientResponse(https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/s/default/self) [200 ]>
<CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Wed, 09 Aug 2023 14:39:34 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache', 'Vary': 'origin,accept-encoding', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true', 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '3750')>

2023-08-09 16:39:35.181 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] data (from https://wifi.domain.nl:443/api/s/default/self) {'meta': {'rc': 'ok'}, 'data': [{'admin_id': '58df8971fa915e0762dec482', 'device_id': '2ce23d53-9278-47f0-900c-cd0033bc523f:1664940501', 'email': '[email protected]', 'email_alert_enabled': True, 'email_alert_grouping_delay': 60, 'email_alert_grouping_enabled': True, 'html_email_enabled': True, 'is_owner': True, 'is_professional_installer': False, 'is_super': True, 'last_site_name': 'default', 'name': 'blankmar', 'push_alert_enabled': True, 'requires_new_password': False, 'super_site_permissions': [], 'ubic_name': '[email protected]', 'ubic_uuid': '7656f2ed-7fd9-4463-a4e7-9d893fa93bfa', 'ui_settings': {'neverCheckForUpdate': False, 'statisticsPrefferedTZ': 'SITE', 'statisticsPreferBps': '', 'preferredLanguage': 'en', 'topologyViewSettings': {'showAllDevices': True, 'showAllClients': True, 'show2GClients': True, 'show5GClients': True, 'showWiredClients': True, 'showSSID': False, 'showWifiExperience': True, 'showRadioChannel': True, 'showWifiStandards': True, 'showWiredSpeed': True, 'showWiredPorts': True, 'online': True, 'offline': False, 'isolated': True, 'pending_adoption': True, 'managed_by_another_console': True}, 'preferences': {'alertsPosition': 'top_right', 'allowHiddenDashboardModules': False, 'browserLogLevel': 'INFO', 'bypassAutoFindDevices': False, 'bypassConfirmAdoptAndUpgrade': False, 'bypassConfirmBlock': False, 'bypassConfirmRestart': False, 'bypassConfirmUpgrade': False, 'bypassDashboardUdmProAd': True, 'dateFormat': 'MMM DD YYYY', 'dismissWlanOverrides': False, 'enableNewUI': True, 'isAppDark': False, 'isPropertyPanelFixed': True, 'isRegularGraphForAirViewEnabled': False, 'isResponsive': False, 'isSettingsDark': True, 'isUndockedByDefault': False, 'noWhatsNew': False, 'propertyPanelCollapse': False, 'propertyPanelMultiMode': True, 'refreshButtonEnabled': False, 'refreshRate': '2MIN', 'refreshRateRememberAll': False, 'rowsPerPage': 50, 'showAllPanelActions': False, 'showWifimanAppsBanner': True, 'timeFormat': 'H:mm', 'use24HourTime': True, 'useBrowserTheme': False, 'useSettingsPanelView': False, 'websocketEnabled': True, 'withStickyTableActions': True, 'isUlteModalClosed': False, 'isUbbAlignmentToolModalClosed': False, 'offlineClientTimeframe': 0}, 'showAllDevices': True, 'showAllClients': True, 'show2GClients': True, 'show5GClients': True, 'showWiredClients': True, 'showSSID': False, 'showWifiExperience': True, 'showRadioChannel': False, 'showWifiStandards': False, 'showWiredSpeed': False, 'showWiredPorts': False, 'online': True, 'offline': False, 'isolated': True, 'pending_adoption': True, 'managed_by_another_console': True, 'preconfigureApprovals': ['settingsPortIpGroups'], 'tables': {'alerts': {'filters': {'alert_type': ['info', 'warning'], 'category_type': [], 'device_type': []}, 'sortBy': 'timestamp', 'isAscending': False}, 'device': {'initialColumns': ['type', 'deviceName', 'status', 'connection', 'network', 'ipAddress', 'experience', 'updateStatus', 'downlink', 'uplink', 'dailyUsage'], 'sortBy': 'ipAddress', 'isAscending': True}, 'client': {'filters': {'status': {'active': True, 'offline': True, 'blocked': True}, 'connection_type': {'ng': True, 'na': True, 'ax': True, 'wired': True, 'vpn': True, 'teleport': True}, 'clients_type': {'users': True, 'guests': True, 'fixed_ip_address': True, 'local_dns_record': True}, 'device': {'device': ''}}, 'initialColumns': ['status', 'clientName', 'physicalName', 'connection', 'ip', 'wifi_network', 'experience', 'Downlink', 'Uplink', 'dailyUsage', 'uptime'], 'rowsPerPage': 100, 'sortBy': 'uptime', 'isAscending': False}, 'unifiDevicePorts': {'initialColumns': ['portSymbol', 'portName', 'portUplinkItemName', 'portPoeMode', 'portProfile', 'speed', 'portActivity', 'portTx', 'portRx', 'portTxRate', 'portRxRate', 'portTxErrors', 'portRxErrors', 'portTxDropped', 'portRxDropped', 'portLinkStatus']}}}, 'surveys': {'show_settings': False, 'show_dashboard': True}, 'last_site_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472', 'site_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472', 'site_name': 'default', 'site_permissions': [], 'site_role': 'admin'}]}
2023-08-09 16:39:35.181 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.controller] [{'admin_id': '58df8971fa915e0762dec482', 'device_id': '2ce23d53-9278-47f0-900c-cd0033bc523f:1664940501', 'email': '[email protected]', 'email_alert_enabled': True, 'email_alert_grouping_delay': 60, 'email_alert_grouping_enabled': True, 'html_email_enabled': True, 'is_owner': True, 'is_professional_installer': False, 'is_super': True, 'last_site_name': 'default', 'name': 'blankmar', 'push_alert_enabled': True, 'requires_new_password': False, 'super_site_permissions': [], 'ubic_name': '[email protected]', 'ubic_uuid': '7656f2ed-7fd9-4463-a4e7-9d893fa93bfa', 'ui_settings': {'neverCheckForUpdate': False, 'statisticsPrefferedTZ': 'SITE', 'statisticsPreferBps': '', 'preferredLanguage': 'en', 'topologyViewSettings': {'showAllDevices': True, 'showAllClients': True, 'show2GClients': True, 'show5GClients': True, 'showWiredClients': True, 'showSSID': False, 'showWifiExperience': True, 'showRadioChannel': True, 'showWifiStandards': True, 'showWiredSpeed': True, 'showWiredPorts': True, 'online': True, 'offline': False, 'isolated': True, 'pending_adoption': True, 'managed_by_another_console': True}, 'preferences': {'alertsPosition': 'top_right', 'allowHiddenDashboardModules': False, 'browserLogLevel': 'INFO', 'bypassAutoFindDevices': False, 'bypassConfirmAdoptAndUpgrade': False, 'bypassConfirmBlock': False, 'bypassConfirmRestart': False, 'bypassConfirmUpgrade': False, 'bypassDashboardUdmProAd': True, 'dateFormat': 'MMM DD YYYY', 'dismissWlanOverrides': False, 'enableNewUI': True, 'isAppDark': False, 'isPropertyPanelFixed': True, 'isRegularGraphForAirViewEnabled': False, 'isResponsive': False, 'isSettingsDark': True, 'isUndockedByDefault': False, 'noWhatsNew': False, 'propertyPanelCollapse': False, 'propertyPanelMultiMode': True, 'refreshButtonEnabled': False, 'refreshRate': '2MIN', 'refreshRateRememberAll': False, 'rowsPerPage': 50, 'showAllPanelActions': False, 'showWifimanAppsBanner': True, 'timeFormat': 'H:mm', 'use24HourTime': True, 'useBrowserTheme': False, 'useSettingsPanelView': False, 'websocketEnabled': True, 'withStickyTableActions': True, 'isUlteModalClosed': False, 'isUbbAlignmentToolModalClosed': False, 'offlineClientTimeframe': 0}, 'showAllDevices': True, 'showAllClients': True, 'show2GClients': True, 'show5GClients': True, 'showWiredClients': True, 'showSSID': False, 'showWifiExperience': True, 'showRadioChannel': False, 'showWifiStandards': False, 'showWiredSpeed': False, 'showWiredPorts': False, 'online': True, 'offline': False, 'isolated': True, 'pending_adoption': True, 'managed_by_another_console': True, 'preconfigureApprovals': ['settingsPortIpGroups'], 'tables': {'alerts': {'filters': {'alert_type': ['info', 'warning'], 'category_type': [], 'device_type': []}, 'sortBy': 'timestamp', 'isAscending': False}, 'device': {'initialColumns': ['type', 'deviceName', 'status', 'connection', 'network', 'ipAddress', 'experience', 'updateStatus', 'downlink', 'uplink', 'dailyUsage'], 'sortBy': 'ipAddress', 'isAscending': True}, 'client': {'filters': {'status': {'active': True, 'offline': True, 'blocked': True}, 'connection_type': {'ng': True, 'na': True, 'ax': True, 'wired': True, 'vpn': True, 'teleport': True}, 'clients_type': {'users': True, 'guests': True, 'fixed_ip_address': True, 'local_dns_record': True}, 'device': {'device': ''}}, 'initialColumns': ['status', 'clientName', 'physicalName', 'connection', 'ip', 'wifi_network', 'experience', 'Downlink', 'Uplink', 'dailyUsage', 'uptime'], 'rowsPerPage': 100, 'sortBy': 'uptime', 'isAscending': False}, 'unifiDevicePorts': {'initialColumns': ['portSymbol', 'portName', 'portUplinkItemName', 'portPoeMode', 'portProfile', 'speed', 'portActivity', 'portTx', 'portRx', 'portTxRate', 'portRxRate', 'portTxErrors', 'portRxErrors', 'portTxDropped', 'portRxDropped', 'portLinkStatus']}}}, 'surveys': {'show_settings': False, 'show_dashboard': True}, 'last_site_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472', 'site_id': '58df8811fa915e0762dec472', 'site_name': 'default', 'site_permissions': [], 'site_role': 'admin'}]
2023-08-09 16:39:35.199 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.websocket] Websocket WebsocketState.STARTING
2023-08-09 16:39:35.227 ERROR (MainThread) [aiounifi.websocket] Unexpected error 404, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://wifi.domain.nl:443/wss/s/default/events')
2023-08-09 16:39:35.227 DEBUG (MainThread) [aiounifi.websocket] Websocket WebsocketState.DISCONNECTED
2023-08-09 16:39:35.227 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.unifi] Lost connection to UniFi Network

From the logs it seems that it disconnects, or returns a 404 error.
But is this due to the HA-update which changed some fetching, or does the controller needs a update.

Have you tried downgrading to .0?

Despite the correct rules are in place, the firewall thinks it needs to block the traffic.
Glad I tripple checked the logs.
And perfect timing, at the same time as HA updated, some incremental updates arrived at the firewall as well :slight_smile:

Changed some policies after the firewall updates, added the integration based on IP and working as a charm again.

Sorry for falsy accusing the HA update :slight_smile:

Topic can be closed from my perspective.