UniFi Network integration presence detection issue

Hi, I have UniFi Network integration which I’m using to track my phone and using it to detect if I’m home or away.

It work fine when I have my unifi controller running on my pc but when I close my controller all the devices connected to my wifi / lan goes to Unavailable and then my person to unknow.

Do this mean that I should run my controller 24/7 or have I maybe configured integration somehow wrong?

From here:
Since UniFi devices retain their settings, internet connectivity will work even if the UniFi OS Console is offline.

However, the features running directly on the UniFi OS Console will be lost. This includes statistics, reporting, manually applied user groups and the guest hotspot. If you did not set up a WPA security protocol under the guest hotspot’s Advanced > Security, then if the Network application is down, users will be able to connect to that WiFi network without being prompted for a password.

And this UniFi forum thread might also be of interest to answer your question.

The integration only talks to the controller so if the controller is offline of course everything will be shown as offline