UniFi POE control

Is there a reason why I don’t get POE switches for my devices?

I have a ReoLink camera connected to a POE port on a UniFi Switch directly using an ethernet cable
I have my Octoprint RPi connected to another POE port using a splitter similar to this.

Neither of my devices have shown up with switches to control the POE.

(I have the option enabled in the integration :wink: )



What unifi switch are you using with the POE out ?
I’m using the 8 port ones and they have switches for each of the 4 ports (cameras connected). I also have some inwall APs - they do not have switches for the single POE output as they are not controllable in unifi.

Yes I have two US-8-60W switches.

Is there anything else I need to configure?


Same. No nothing else.

Idk I have the ports (clients) selected in the drop down that I want to control.

I think that just turns off the network connection for that device, I’ve not added any

That’s what I thought too.

Thanks for the replies.
I need to come clean…
The UniFi user I had set up for HA was not an Admin.
In my defence I set up the integration a while ago before I had any POE devices :blush:

Ha ha at least you’re sorted

Could this be the version of the unifi controller or on a different VLAN? I can’t trigger a thing, given up… wonder if anyone can help with an example? I am using EA build on a USW-PRO24-POE

I have published a PR to provide generic PoE port control Expose UniFi PoE ports as individual switches by Kane610 · Pull Request #80566 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Try it out in nightly once merged or for the GitHub repo

Feedback appreciated!