UniFi Protect Blueprints

Has anyone been able to get the UniFi Protect Motion / Smart Detection Notifications to send the notification via Telegram? Or have an automation I can re-use?

Hello everyone,

Iā€™ve been getting the following error message for a few days now:

Client error (404): Event thumbnail not found

At first it only happened with the following automation:

  name: UniFi Protect Motion / Smart Detection Notifications by Rockhound
  domain: automation
  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AngellusMortis/unifiprotect_blueprints/main/blueprints/automation/unifiprotect/notification_smart_motion_event.yaml
  description: "## UniFi Protect Motion / Smart Detection Notifications\n\nThis blueprint
    will send push notifications to a Home Assistant mobile app when a camera detections
    motion or a\nsmart detection.\n\n### Required Settings\n\n  - UniFi Protect Detection
    Sensor\n\n### Optional Settings\n\n  - Notification target for the [mobile app
    notification target][1].\n  - Presence filter - list of mobile phones or other
    entities that should be within the \"home\" zone\n  - Alarm entity to check arm
    states.\n  - Alarm arm states when the notifications should work. Required if
    alarm entity is selected.\n  - Time formatting strings. Timestamp is injected
    into the notification in case the notification is delay.\n  - Cooldown before
    sending another notification\n  - Silence timer for muting notifications via Actionable
    Notification (docs: [Mobile][2])\n  - Configurable lovelace view from notification\n\n
    \ The presence filter works together with the alarm entity (you can choose presence
    filter or alarm entity, you can choose both or nothing at all).\n\n### Requirements\n\nTo
    take full effect of this automation blueprint, your Home Assistant instance needs
    some setup beforehand.\n\n- An UniFi Protect camera. Only cameras that are capable
    of smart detections (G4, AI or G5 Series cameras) will have objection detection
    sensors.\n- A valid HTTPS certificate and [properly configured external URL][3]\n
    \ - If you are using Home Assistant Cloud, this is already set up for you.\n  -
    If this is not setup correctly, the actionable notifications and attachments will
    not appear in the notifications.\n  - You do not need your _whole_ Home Assistant
    to be publicly accessible. Only the paths `/api/unifiprotect/*` and\n    `/api/webhook/*`
    need to be accessible outside of your network.\n\n[1]: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#sending-notifications-to-multiple-devices\n[2]:
      name: Detection Sensor
      description: 'The "Motion/Person/etc. Detected" sensor(s) to use.

          integration: unifiprotect
          - binary_sensor
          multiple: true
      name: (Optional) Presence Filter
      description: Only notify if selected presence entity is not "home".
      default: ''
          - device_tracker
          multiple: true
      name: (Optional) Alarm Entity
      default: ''
      description: The alarm entity to monitor for state changes.
          - alarm_control_panel
          multiple: false
      name: Alarm Arm States
      description: Select the alarm arm states for which you want to receive notifications.
        Required if an Alarm Entity is set.
      - armed_away
      - armed_home
      - armed_night
      - armed_vacation
      - armed_custom_bypass
          - armed_away
          - armed_home
          - armed_night
          - armed_vacation
          - armed_custom_bypass
          multiple: true
          sort: false
          custom_value: false
      name: (Optional) Notification Target (Mobile App)
      description: 'The notification target for mobile apps notifications. Can be
        `notifiy.notify` or any Mobile app notify service (starts with `notify.mobile_app_`).

      default: notify.notify
        text: {}
      name: Notification Color (Optional)
        "Set the color of the notification on your mobile device or TV.

      default: steelblue
                - steelblue
                - grey
                - black
                - indigo
                - green
                - red
                - cyan
                - teal
                - amber
                - pink
              multiple: false
              custom_value: false
              sort: false
      name: Notification Icon (Optional)
        "Change the icon that displays on the notification. You can enter
        a single icon or create a template like the example given in the dropdown.
        You must include 'mdi:' in the icon name.

      default: mdi:home-assistant
        icon: {}
      name: (Optional) Notification Channel
      description: 'Notification channel/tag to use. Will automatically be prepended
        with "Manual " if action is triggered manually. https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#notification-channels

      default: Smart Detection
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Time Format String
      description: 'Python datetime format code string for the event trigger time.
        This string is the actual time the doorbell event was triggered in case the
        automation or notification is delayed. Manual triggers will cause this to
        always be the time of the previous event. https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes

      default: "%H:%M"
        entity: {}
      name: (Optional) Cooldown
      description: 'Delay before sending another notification for this camera after
        the last event. Is also the interval you have to respond to actions in notification.

      default: 120
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Silence Notifications
      description: 'How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested
        as part of the actionable notification. The time interval you have to respond
        to the slient action is controlled by "Cooldown". Short Cooldown timers may
        prevent you from silencing.

      default: 60
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Lovelace View
      description: 'Home Assistant Lovelace view to open when clicking notification.

        If left blank, URI Notification actions will not be generated.

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Debug Event ID
      description: 'Debug Event ID for UniFi Protect to use for when manually triggering
        automation. Will be used to generate a thumbnail for testing notifications.

      default: ''
        text: {}
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
  input_obj: !input obj_sensor
  input_channel: !input channel
  input_lovelace_view: !input lovelace_view
  input_notify_target_app: !input notify_target_app
  color: !input color
  icon: !input icon
  input_silence_timer: !input silence_timer
  input_time_format: !input time_format
  input_presence_filter: !input presence_filter
  input_alarm_entity: !input alarm_entity
  input_alarm_arm_states: !input alarm_arm_states
  input_debug_event_id: !input debug_event_id
  input_cooldown: !input cooldown
  lovelace_view: '{{ input_lovelace_view | trim }}'
  is_manual: '{{ ''from_state'' not in trigger }}'
  entity_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_obj[0] }}{% else %}{{ trigger.entity_id }}{%
    endif %}'
  entity_name: '{{ state_attr(entity_id, ''friendly_name'') }}'
  device_id: '{{ device_id(entity_id) }}'
  camera_entities: '[{% for eid in device_entities(device_id) %}{%if eid.startswith(''camera'')
    and not ''package'' in eid and not is_state(eid, ''unavailable'') %}"{{ eid }}",{%
    endif %}{% endfor %}]'
  camera_entity_id: '{{ camera_entities | default([None]) | first }}'
  event_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_debug_event_id }}{% else %}{{ state_attr(entity_id,
    ''event_id'') }}{% endif %}'
  video_start: '{{ states[entity_id].last_changed.isoformat() }}'
  trigger_time: "{% if states[entity_id] == None %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ as_local(states[entity_id].last_changed).strftime(input_time_format)
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  notification_channel: "{% if is_manual %}\n  Manual {{ input_channel }}\n{% else
    %}\n  {{ input_channel }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  notification_title: '{{ entity_name }}'
  notification_tag: '{{ notification_channel.lower().replace('' '', ''-'') }}'
  notification_message: '{{ entity_name }}{% if trigger_time != None %} at {{ trigger_time
    }}{% endif %}.'
  notification_image: /api/unifiprotect/thumbnail/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{
    event_id }}
  notification_url: "{% if lovelace_view == \"\" %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ lovelace_view
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  silence_action: silence-smart-{{ entity_id }}
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input obj_sensor
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
  condition: and
  - condition: or
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ input_alarm_entity is not defined or input_alarm_entity
        == '''' }}'
    - condition: and
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ input_alarm_entity is defined and input_alarm_entity !=
          '''' }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ input_alarm_arm_states is defined and input_alarm_arm_states
          | length > 0 }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states(input_alarm_entity) in input_alarm_arm_states }}'
  - condition: or
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ input_presence_filter is not defined or input_presence_filter
        == '''' }}'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ (input_presence_filter | select(''is_state'', ''home'')
        | list | count) == 0 }}'
- service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
    message: '{{ notification_message }}'
    title: '{{ notification_title }}'
      tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
      channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
      color: '{{color}}'
      notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
      ttl: 0
      priority: high
      alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif %}\n"
      time-sensitive: 1
      image: '{{ notification_image }}'
      entity_id: '{{ camera_entity_id }}'
      actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title": "Open
        Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer
        > 0 %} { "action": "{{ silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive":
        True }, {% endif %}]

- wait_for_trigger:
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: '{{ silence_action }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_cleared
      message: '{{ notification_message }}'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input obj_sensor
    to: 'off'
    seconds: '{{ input_cooldown }}'
  continue_on_timeout: false
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''state'' }}'
    - service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
        message: '{{ notification_message }}'
        title: '{{ notification_title }}'
          tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
          channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
          color: '{{color}}'
          notification_icon: '{{icon}}'
          ttl: 0
          priority: high
          alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif
          time-sensitive: 1
          image: '{{ notification_image }}'
          video: /api/unifiprotect/video/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{ entity_id
            }}/{{ video_start }}/{{ states[entity_id].last_changed.isoformat() }}
          actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title":
            "Open Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer
            > 0 %} { "action": "{{ silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive":
            True }, {% endif %}]

    - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
          action: '{{ silence_action }}'
        seconds: '{{ max([input_cooldown - (states[entity_id].last_changed - as_datetime(video_start)).total_seconds(),
          5]) }}'
      continue_on_timeout: false
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_action'' }}'
    - delay:
        minutes: '{{ input_silence_timer }}'
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_cleared'' }}'
    - delay:
        seconds: '{{ max([input_cooldown - (wait.trigger.event.time_fired - as_datetime(video_start)).total_seconds(),
          5]) }}'

After yesterdayā€™s update of Unifi Protect, I no longer have any thumbnail images. The event video still appears with the following automation for the doorbell, but with the first one, neither the thumbnail nor the event video appears:

  name: UniFi Protect Doorbell Ring Notifications by Rockhound
  domain: automation
  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AngellusMortis/unifiprotect_blueprints/main/blueprints/automation/unifiprotect/notification_ring_event.yaml
  description: "## UniFi Protect Doorbell Ring Notifications\n\nThis blueprint will
    send push notifications to a Home Assistant mobile app when a doorbell ring is
    detected.\n\n### Required Settings\n\n  - UniFi Protect Doorbell Sensor\n\n###
    Optional Settings\n\n  - Notification target for the [mobile app notification
    target][1].\n  - Cutoff time before ring event for video clips.\n  - Time formatting
    strings. Timestamp is injected into the notification in case the notification
    is delay.\n  - Cooldown before sending another notification\n  - Silence timer
    for muting notifications via Actionable Notification (docs: [Mobile][2])\n  -
    Configurable lovelace view from notification\n\n### Requirements\n\nTo take full
    effect of this automation blueprint, your Home Assistant instance needs some setup
    beforehand.\n\n- An UniFi Protect G4 Doorbell or G4 Doorbell Pro.\n- A valid HTTPS
    certificate and [properly configured external URL][3]\n  - If you are using Home
    Assistant Cloud, this is already set up for you.\n  - If this is not setup correctly,
    the actionable notifications and attachments will not appear in the notifications.\n
    \ - You do not need your _whole_ Home Assistant to be publicly accessible. Only
    the paths `/api/unifiprotect/*` and\n    `/api/webhook/*` need to be accessible
    outside of your network.\n\n[1]: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#sending-notifications-to-multiple-devices\n[2]:
      name: Doorbell Sensor Entity
      description: 'The "Doorbell" sensor(s) to use.

          integration: unifiprotect
          - binary_sensor
          - occupancy
          multiple: true
      name: (Optional) Door Lock or Gate Entity
      description: 'The entity to provide an actionable notification to unlock on
        doorbell ring. The time interval you have to respond to the unlock action
        is controlled by "Cooldown". Short Cooldown timers may prevent you from unlocking
        the door.

      default: ''
          - lock
          - cover
          multiple: false
      name: (Optional) TTS Service
      description: 'The TTS service you want to use to generate TTS messages https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tts/

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Unlock TTS message
      description: 'TTS Message for play through doorbell when door is unlocked.

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) TTS message
      description: 'Adds actionable notification to play TTS message to respond to
        guest. The time interval you have to respond to the TTS action is controlled
        by "Cooldown". Short Cooldown timers may prevent you from sending a TTS message
        the door.

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Notification Target (Mobile App)
      description: 'The notification target for mobile apps notifications. Can be
        `notifiy.notify` or any Mobile app notify service (starts with `notify.mobile_app_`).

      default: notify.notify
        text: {}
      name: Notification Color (Optional)
        "Set the color of the notification on your mobile device or TV.

      default: steelblue
                - steelblue
                - grey
                - black
                - indigo
                - green
                - red
                - cyan
                - teal
                - amber
                - pink
              multiple: false
              custom_value: false
              sort: false
      name: Notification Icon (Optional)
        "Change the icon that displays on the notification. You can enter
        a single icon or create a template like the example given in the dropdown.
        You must include 'mdi:' in the icon name.

      default: mdi:home-assistant
        icon: {}
      name: (Optional) Notification Channel
      description: 'Notification channel/tag to use. Will automatically be prepended
        with "Manual " if action is triggered manually. https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#notification-channels

      default: Doorbell
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Video Cutoff
      description: 'Time before the doorbell ring to generate a video for to send.
        Setting to 0 will disable attaching a video clip.

      default: 0
          max: 30.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Time Format String
      description: 'Python datetime format code string for the event trigger time.
        This string is the actual time the doorbell event was triggered in case the
        automation or notification is delayed. Manual triggers will cause this to
        always be the time of the previous event. https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes

      default: "%H:%M"
        entity: {}
      name: (Optional) Cooldown
      description: 'Delay before sending another notification for this camera after
        the last event. Is also the interval you have to respond to actions in notification.

      default: 120
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Silence Notifications
      description: 'How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested
        as part of the actionable notification. The time interval you have to respond
        to the slient action is controlled by "Cooldown". Short Cooldown timers may
        prevent you from silencing.

      default: 30
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
          mode: slider
          step: 1.0
      name: (Optional) Lovelace View
      description: 'Home Assistant Lovelace view to open when clicking notification.

        If left blank, URI Notification actions will not be generated.

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Debug Event ID
      description: 'Debug Event ID for UniFi Protect to use for when manually triggering
        automation. Will be used to generate a thumbnail for testing notifications.

      default: ''
        text: {}
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
  input_doorbell: !input doorbell_sensor
  input_lock_entity: !input lock_entity
  input_lock_tts: !input lock_tts
  input_wait_tts: !input wait_tts
  input_tts_target: !input tts_target
  input_channel: !input channel
  input_lovelace_view: !input lovelace_view
  input_notify_target_app: !input notify_target_app
  color: !input color
  icon: !input icon
  input_silence_timer: !input silence_timer
  input_time_format: !input time_format
  input_debug_event_id: !input debug_event_id
  input_cooldown: !input cooldown
  input_video_cutoff: !input video_cutoff
  lovelace_view: '{{ input_lovelace_view | trim }}'
  is_manual: '{{ ''from_state'' not in trigger }}'
  notification_channel: "{% if is_manual %}\n  Manual {{ input_channel }}\n{% else
    %}\n  {{ input_channel }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  entity_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_doorbell[0] }}{% else %}{{ trigger.entity_id
    }}{% endif %}'
  device_id: '{{ device_id(entity_id) }}'
  device_name: '{{ device_attr(device_id, ''name'') }}'
  camera_entities: '[{% for eid in device_entities(device_id) %}{%if eid.startswith(''camera'')
    and not ''package'' in eid and not is_state(eid, ''unavailable'') %}"{{ eid }}",{%
    endif %}{% endfor %}]'
  camera_entity_id: '{{ camera_entities | default([None]) | first }}'
  lock_entity_id: '{{ input_lock_entity or '''' }}'
  media_entities: '[{% for eid in device_entities(device_id) %}{%if eid.startswith(''media_player'')
    and not is_state(eid, ''unavailable'') %}"{{ eid }}",{% endif %}{% endfor %}]'
  media_entity_id: '{{ media_entities | default([None]) | first }}'
  event_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_debug_event_id }}{% else %}{{ state_attr(entity_id,
    ''event_id'') }}{% endif %}'
  video_end: '{{ states[entity_id].last_changed.isoformat() }}'
  trigger_time: "{% if states[entity_id] == None %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ as_local(states[entity_id].last_changed).strftime(input_time_format)
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  notification_title: '{{ device_name }}: Doorbell Ring'
  notification_tag: '{{ notification_channel.lower().replace('' '', ''-'') }}'
  notification_message: '{{ device_name }} was rung{% if trigger_time != None %} at
    {{ trigger_time }}{% endif %}.'
  notification_image: /api/unifiprotect/thumbnail/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{
    event_id }}
  notification_url: "{% if lovelace_view == \"\" %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ lovelace_view
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  unlock_text: '{% if lock_entity_id.startswith(''cover'') %}Open Gate{% else %}Unlock
    Door{% endif %}'
  unlock_service: '{% if lock_entity_id.startswith(''cover'') %}cover.open_cover{%
    else %}lock.unlock{% endif %}'
  unlock_action: unlock-ring-{{ lock_entity_id }}
  silence_action: silence-ring-{{ entity_id }}
  tts_action: tts-ring-{{ input_doorbell }}
  lock_tts_enabled: '{{ input_tts_target != '''' and input_lock_tts != '''' and media_entity_id
    != None }}'
  wait_tts_enabled: '{{ input_tts_target != '''' and input_wait_tts != '''' and media_entity_id
    != None }}'
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input doorbell_sensor
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
- service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
    message: '{{ notification_message }}'
    title: '{{ notification_title }}'
      tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
      channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
      color: "{{color}}"
      notification_icon: "{{icon}}"
      ttl: 0
      priority: high
      alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif %}\n"
      time-sensitive: 1
      image: '{{ notification_image }}'
      entity_id: '{{ camera_entity_id }}'
      actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title": "Open
        Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if lock_entity_id
        != "" %} { "action": "{{ unlock_action }}", "title": "{{ unlock_text }}" },
        {% endif %} {% if wait_tts_enabled %} { "action": "{{ tts_action }}", "title":
        "Respond" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer > 0 %} { "action": "{{
        silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive": True }, {% endif %}]

- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ input_video_cutoff > 0 }}'
    - service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
        message: '{{ notification_message }}'
        title: '{{ notification_title }}'
          tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
          channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
          color: "{{color}}"
          notification_icon: "{{icon}}"
          ttl: 0
          priority: high
          alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif
          time-sensitive: 1
          image: '{{ notification_image }}'
          video: /api/unifiprotect/video/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{ entity_id
            }}/{{ (as_datetime(video_end) - timedelta(seconds=input_video_cutoff)).isoformat()
            }}/{{ video_end }}
          entity_id: '{{ camera_entity_id }}'
          actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title":
            "Open Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if lock_entity_id
            != "" %} { "action": "{{ unlock_action }}", "title": "{{ unlock_text }}"
            }, {% endif %} {% if wait_tts_enabled %} { "action": "{{ tts_action }}",
            "title": "Respond" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer > 0 %} { "action":
            "{{ silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive": True }, {%
            endif %}]

- wait_for_trigger:
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: '{{ silence_action }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: '{{ unlock_action }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: '{{ tts_action }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_cleared
      message: '{{ notification_message }}'
    seconds: '{{ input_cooldown }}'
  continue_on_timeout: false
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_action'' and wait.trigger.event.data.action ==
        silence_action }}'
    - delay:
        minutes: '{{ input_silence_timer }}'
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_action'' and wait.trigger.event.data.action ==
        unlock_action }}'
    - service: '{{ unlock_service }}'
        entity_id: '{{ lock_entity_id }}'
    - choose:
      - conditions: '{{ lock_tts_enabled }}'
        - service: '{{ input_tts_target }}'
            entity_id: '{{ media_entity_id }}'
            message: '{{ input_lock_tts }}'
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_action'' and wait.trigger.event.data.action ==
        tts_action }}'
    - service: '{{ input_tts_target }}'
        entity_id: '{{ media_entity_id }}'
        message: '{{ input_wait_tts }}'
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_cleared'' }}'
    - delay:
        seconds: '{{ max([input_cooldown - (wait.trigger.event.time_fired - as_datetime(video_end)).total_seconds(),
          5]) }}'

Does anyone else have this problem?

can anyone help?

Many thanks and greetings

@Rockhound53 I have had similar. The only thing that worked for me was downgrading Unif Protect back to 4.0.33 by SSHing into Unifi, apt-get update and then apt-get install --reinstall --allow-downgrades unifi-protect=4.0.33 -y

@Rockhound53 @Townsmcp I havenā€™t had much time to dig into this myself but Iā€™m also experiencing this issue. The main source of the issue seems to be changes in how the Person detection is working.
The object detection sensor is working like the how the person detection worked before the upgrade i.e. it turns on as soon as an object is detected and turns off shortly after the object is no longer detected.
The person detect sensor no longer turns on when a person is deckedā€¦insteadā€¦it quickly toggles on and off once the detection STOPS. This might explain why the video notification never worksā€¦itā€™s trying to send a video of 0 length.
Iā€™ll play around once I have more time but hopefully this is enough for @bdraco to start preliminary investigations into why the changes are occurring with the latest Protect update.

There are at least 2 open issues related to this in GitHub.

Edit: I see what I mentioned above was already being discussed in one of the threads. Should have read them both before testing/postingā€¦lol.

1 Like

This is all working again with Version 5 of Protect.

This blueprint has the people home filter, but what would be great is if there was an alarm filter as an alternative. That would mean you could only get notified if the alarm was ā€œarmed awayā€ or something like that. Maybe i should have a go at editing the yamlā€¦ its been a while.

Thereā€™s already an option for that in the blueprint.

Apologies, I must have an older version. Iā€™ll update with the yaml above

Edit: yep, the versions above were newer than what i already had, updated to those versions

1 Like

Are the snapshot notifications on iOS working for others still using these Blueprints?

I had this ā€œFailed to load attachmentā€ issue last year with one of my cameras as reported above in this thread, but I have yet to find a fix. It seems to have spread to others, making the push notifications from these Blueprints not nearly as useful. Iā€™m wondering if one of the recent UniFi Protect updates changed something (currently on Protect 5.0.51).

Iā€™ve started this new thread on the topic to see if I can find a fix before reverting to dumb-down automations for push alerts from UniFi cameras.

@ziptbm I do get this a few times a day but sometimes the image does come through. I put it down to using Frigate/Double Take and sharing the stream from Scrypted - the blueprint grabs the image direct from the camera and my thinking is concurrent requests for snapshot is why I get the error

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I am having the same issue, and I canā€™t understand why sometimes the image (and the video of the detection) shows up and other times it doesnā€™t.

I also have another automation that doesnā€™t use the blueprint, and recently stop showing the picture.

description: Uses the API from Unify Protect Integration
  - type: turned_on
    device_id: 347fc630b5ff31a1e35b775f1ff0ae80
    entity_id: dfdc3219da63c47152e97426c215c026
    domain: binary_sensor
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
    trigger: device
conditions: []
  - action: notify.mobile_app_iphone
      title: Frontdoor Detection
      message: Person Detected at {{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}
        image: >-
          /api/unifiprotect/thumbnail/{{config_entry_id(trigger.entity_id) }}/{{
          state_attr(trigger.entity_id, 'event_id') }}
type or paste code here

I think @Townsmcp is on to something regarding a situation where UniFi Protect is getting hounded for the same image/video multiple times. And it seems like the update of the iOS notification with the video clip might be part of the problem.

So, I modified this UniFi Blueprint by removing the video parts. Now, it seems like Iā€™m getting push notifications with the image clip only and it seems like itā€™s working more reliablyā€¦Iā€™m still testing through to confirm. UPDATE - it seems like every other push alert, the image works. TL;DR - this modified version of the blueprint did not fix it.

  name: UniFi Protect Motion / Smart Detection Notifications - Thumbnail Only
  domain: automation
  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AngellusMortis/unifiprotect_blueprints/main/blueprints/automation/unifiprotect/notification_smart_motion_event.yaml
  description: "## UniFi Protect Motion / Smart Detection Notifications\n\nThis blueprint
    will send push notifications to a Home Assistant mobile app when a camera detections
    motion or a\nsmart detection.\n\n### Required Settings\n\n  - UniFi Protect Detection
    Sensor\n\n### Optional Settings\n\n  - Notification target for the [mobile app
    notification target][1].\n  - Presence filter - list of mobile phones or other
    entities that should be within the \"home\" zone\n  - Alarm entity to check arm
    states.\n  - Alarm arm states when the notifications should work. Required if
    alarm entity is selected.\n  - Time formatting strings. Timestamp is injected
    into the notification in case the notification is delay.\n  - Cooldown before
    sending another notification\n  - Silence timer for muting notifications via Actionable
    Notification (docs: [Mobile][2])\n  - Configurable lovelace view from notification\n\n
    \ The presence filter works together with the alarm entity (you can choose presence
    filter or alarm entity, you can choose both or nothing at all).\n\n### Requirements\n\nTo
    take full effect of this automation blueprint, your Home Assistant instance needs
    some setup beforehand.\n\n- An UniFi Protect camera. Only cameras that are capable
    of smart detections (G4, AI or G5 Series cameras) will have objection detection
    sensors.\n- A valid HTTPS certificate and [properly configured external URL][3]\n
    \ - If you are using Home Assistant Cloud, this is already set up for you.\n  -
    If this is not setup correctly, the actionable notifications and attachments will
    not appear in the notifications.\n  - You do not need your _whole_ Home Assistant
    to be publicly accessible. Only the paths `/api/unifiprotect/*` and\n    `/api/webhook/*`
    need to be accessible outside of your network.\n\n[1]: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#sending-notifications-to-multiple-devices\n[2]:
      name: Detection Sensor
      description: 'The "Motion/Person/etc. Detected" sensor(s) to use.

          integration: unifiprotect
          - binary_sensor
          multiple: true
      name: (Optional) Presence Filter
      description: Only notify if selected presence entity is not "home".
      default: ''
          - device_tracker
          multiple: true
      name: (Optional) Alarm Entity
      default: ''
      description: The alarm entity to monitor for state changes.
          - alarm_control_panel
          multiple: false
      name: Alarm Arm States
      description: Select the alarm arm states for which you want to receive notifications.
        Required if an Alarm Entity is set.
      - armed_away
      - armed_home
      - armed_night
      - armed_vacation
      - armed_custom_bypass
          - armed_away
          - armed_home
          - armed_night
          - armed_vacation
          - armed_custom_bypass
          multiple: true
          custom_value: false
          sort: false
      name: (Optional) Notification Target (Mobile App)
      description: 'The notification target for mobile apps notifications. Can be
        `notifiy.notify` or any Mobile app notify service (starts with `notify.mobile_app_`).

      default: notify.notify
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Notification Channel
      description: 'Notification channel/tag to use. Will automatically be prepended
        with "Manual " if action is triggered manually. https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic#notification-channels

      default: Smart Detection
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Time Format String
      description: 'Python datetime format code string for the event trigger time.
        This string is the actual time the doorbell event was triggered in case the
        automation or notification is delayed. Manual triggers will cause this to
        always be the time of the previous event. https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes

      default: '%I:%M %p'
        entity: {}
      name: (Optional) Cooldown
      description: 'Delay before sending another notification for this camera after
        the last event. Is also the interval you have to respond to actions in notification.

      default: 120
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: seconds
          step: 1.0
          mode: slider
      name: (Optional) Silence Notifications
      description: 'How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested
        as part of the actionable notification. The time interval you have to respond
        to the slient action is controlled by "Cooldown". Short Cooldown timers may
        prevent you from silencing.

      default: 30
          max: 300.0
          min: 0.0
          unit_of_measurement: minutes
          step: 1.0
          mode: slider
      name: (Optional) Lovelace View
      description: 'Home Assistant Lovelace view to open when clicking notification.

        If left blank, URI Notification actions will not be generated.

      default: ''
        text: {}
      name: (Optional) Debug Event ID
      description: 'Debug Event ID for UniFi Protect to use for when manually triggering
        automation. Will be used to generate a thumbnail for testing notifications.

      default: ''
        text: {}
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
  input_obj: !input obj_sensor
  input_channel: !input channel
  input_lovelace_view: !input lovelace_view
  input_notify_target_app: !input notify_target_app
  input_silence_timer: !input silence_timer
  input_time_format: !input time_format
  input_presence_filter: !input presence_filter
  input_alarm_entity: !input alarm_entity
  input_alarm_arm_states: !input alarm_arm_states
  input_debug_event_id: !input debug_event_id
  input_cooldown: !input cooldown
  lovelace_view: '{{ input_lovelace_view | trim }}'
  is_manual: '{{ ''from_state'' not in trigger }}'
  entity_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_obj[0] }}{% else %}{{ trigger.entity_id }}{%
    endif %}'
  entity_name: '{{ state_attr(entity_id, ''friendly_name'') }}'
  device_id: '{{ device_id(entity_id) }}'
  camera_entities: '[{% for eid in device_entities(device_id) %}{%if eid.startswith(''camera'')
    and not ''package'' in eid and not is_state(eid, ''unavailable'') %}"{{ eid }}",{%
    endif %}{% endfor %}]'
  camera_entity_id: '{{ camera_entities | default([None]) | first }}'
  event_id: '{% if is_manual %}{{ input_debug_event_id }}{% else %}{{ state_attr(entity_id,
    ''event_id'') }}{% endif %}'
#  video_start: '{{ states[entity_id].last_changed.isoformat() }}'
  trigger_time: "{% if states[entity_id] == None %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ as_local(states[entity_id].last_changed).strftime(input_time_format)
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  notification_channel: "{% if is_manual %}\n  Manual {{ input_channel }}\n{% else
    %}\n  {{ input_channel }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  notification_title: '{{ entity_name }}'
  notification_tag: '{{ notification_channel.lower().replace('' '', ''-'') }}'
  notification_message: '{{ entity_name }}{% if trigger_time != None %} at {{ trigger_time
    }}{% endif %}.'
  notification_image: /api/unifiprotect/thumbnail/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{
    event_id }}
  notification_url: "{% if lovelace_view == \"\" %}\n  None\n{% else %}\n  {{ lovelace_view
    }}\n{% endif %}\n"
  silence_action: silence-smart-{{ entity_id }}
- platform: state
  entity_id: !input obj_sensor
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
  condition: and
  - condition: or
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ input_alarm_entity is not defined or input_alarm_entity
        == '''' }}'
    - condition: and
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ input_alarm_entity is defined and input_alarm_entity !=
          '''' }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ input_alarm_arm_states is defined and input_alarm_arm_states
          | length > 0 }}'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states(input_alarm_entity) in input_alarm_arm_states }}'
  - condition: or
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ input_presence_filter is not defined or input_presence_filter
        == '''' }}'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ (input_presence_filter | select(''is_state'', ''home'')
        | list | count) == 0 }}'
- service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
    message: '{{ notification_message }}'
    title: '{{ notification_title }}'
      tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
      channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
      ttl: 0
      priority: high
      alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif %}\n"
      time-sensitive: 1
      image: '{{ notification_image }}'
      entity_id: '{{ camera_entity_id }}'
      actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title": "Open
        Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer
        > 0 %} { "action": "{{ silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive":
        True }, {% endif %}]

- wait_for_trigger:
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
      action: '{{ silence_action }}'
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_cleared
      message: '{{ notification_message }}'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input obj_sensor
    to: 'off'
    seconds: '{{ input_cooldown }}'
  continue_on_timeout: false
- choose:
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''state'' }}'
    - service: '{{ input_notify_target_app }}'
        message: '{{ notification_message }}'
        title: '{{ notification_title }}'
          tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
          channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
          ttl: 0
          priority: high
          alert_once: "{% if tag != \"\" %}\n  true\n{% else %}\n  false\n{% endif
          time-sensitive: 1
          image: '{{ notification_image }}'
#          video: /api/unifiprotect/video/{{ config_entry_id(entity_id) }}/{{ entity_id
#            }}/{{ video_start }}/{{ states[entity_id].last_changed.isoformat() }}
          actions: '[{% if notification_url != None %} { "action": "URI", "title":
            "Open Camera", "uri": "{{ notification_url }}" }, {% endif %} {% if input_silence_timer
            > 0 %} { "action": "{{ silence_action }}", "title": "Silence", "destructive":
            True }, {% endif %}]

    - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
          action: '{{ silence_action }}'
        seconds: '{{ max([input_cooldown - (states[entity_id].last_changed - as_datetime(video_start)).total_seconds(),
          5]) }}'
      continue_on_timeout: false
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_action'' }}'
    - delay:
        minutes: '{{ input_silence_timer }}'
  - conditions:
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ wait.trigger.platform == ''event'' and wait.trigger.event.event_type
        == ''mobile_app_notification_cleared'' }}'
    - delay:
        seconds: '{{ max([input_cooldown - (wait.trigger.event.time_fired - as_datetime(video_start)).total_seconds(),
          5]) }}'

And Iā€™ve got a manual automation where it takes a snapshot of the camera as a jpg at the time and sends thatā€¦this one seems to have no issues. The only downside is itā€™s not pulling the exact detection moment from UniFi Protect.

Iā€™m also wondering if thereā€™s a way to leverage the UniFi Protect detections directly from the media-browser. And itā€™d be awesome if pushing the notification could take me directly to that detection video in the Media Browser of HAā€¦havenā€™t found anything definitive here yet.

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