UniFi Protect for Home Assistant

I was using the HACS UniFi Protect for Home Assistant for a while but I had an issue for the past last weeks

Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 16.14.37

for information Home Assistant in on the 192.168.5.x range (but this was working fine before).
I try many thing, even to use the local gateway range which should work too ( for the UDM PRO but same result.

since UNiFi Network is now integrated, I removed the HASC extension, rebooted, but when I try to add again I have Unknown error occurred

– I probably look at the wrong place but I don’t see any related log in Core/Supervior

same issue when I add a new firewall rule but It’s working fine before …

The source port group is probably wrong - you can’t control what outgoing port Home Assistant uses to connect to the UDM Pro.
Have you tried enabling logging on this firewall rule - or on the rule that blocks any other traffic - to see if there is actually traffic being blocked?

Thank you and sorry, it’s wasn’t the good screenshot but I even tried source IP Home Assistant server and Destination UDM PRO (all port both side) just after Allow Established/Related Traffic as rule index 2001.

when I check tail -F /var/log/messages I don’t see nothing related. It’s much be something wrong with my UDM