Unifi Protect integration - useless


The live video fromt the Unifi Protect integration, is a bout 20 seconds delayed, and very unstable. For me, the integration is useless as I intend to use it for live video stream.

Does anybody have a fix on this? I need the video to show in the dashboard.

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There is some guidance on the integration page about enabling LL-HLS:

I use this and the protect feeds are almost realtime (<1s)

Thank you,

I have installed the go2rtc, the WEBrtc and the RTSPtoWeb - WebRTC. I cant get it to work… First I get a still picture, then I the message: Failed to start WebRTC stream: RTSPtoWeb server failure: stream channel codec not ready, possible stream offline: Internal Server Error

Do you know what the issue could be?

No sorry I can’t remember how I set it up. Indo remember having to go to a webpage and add the camera feeds though, did you do that ?

Also, try a F5 refresh I sometimes need to do that if it stops. Very occasionally though

Maybe have a read here, there’s others with similar errors

I dont understand how you get this working with Unifi Protect. Your stream is also RTSPS, right? I thought it only supported RTSP…

Just checked and I used the RTSP streams from protect


Did you change the stream in Unifi Protect from RTSPS to RTSP? Is that possible?

Yes, you just use the link above, ie changing the RTSPS to RTSP and the port to 7447. No change in protect is needed

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That would be great… Which link are you refering to?

So copy the link from protect, edit it to remove the s and change the port to 7447. Then add to the go2rtc config page

Thank you very much. Which one of these are you pating the stream in?image

When i paste it to the “temporary screen”, i get a black screen

Is the added stream in your streams list ?

I guess my question is, how do I add the stream in the web UI? Do I click “add” and paste the: rtsp//…?enableSrtp ? Or do I have to type in something under the “config” tab?

Thank you for helping me, as you can understand, Im new to this :slight_smile:

its been a while for me but just tried to add a new one.

Click Add, then temporary stream, paste it in the url field and give it a name and click add, you should get a dialog box saying “OK”.
Then go to streams and you should see it there. If you click on stream under commands you should see the stream

I have do that, but when I click on the stream, the screen is black… So is the picture (stream) in the custom card…

Have you tried the url without all the extra on the end, ie:


replace the xxxx with your link code from protect

edit, when I try rtsp:// it doesn’t work so try removing ?enableSrtp

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Its working! Thank you so much for your help! Really appreciated!