Unifi Protect Not Working After Updating to 3.2.12


Has anyone with a Unifi environment noticed that Unifi Protect not working after updating to 3.2.12?

I am off/on HA forums, not a regular. I just hope when 2024.3.2 is released my issue will be fixed.

Same, updated without knowing about compatibility issues. Nuts

I see the upgrade notices for Unifi but wait to upgrade because I know the HA Unifi Integration may have a dependency that breaks when Unifi is updated. This has been an issue for awhile and has been discussed before.

A recent Pull Request calls attention to this issue:

I did notice, after this post, that my HA had a repair notification warning for this issue. Granted, it was after the Unifi Protect update was available, and I would not have noticed if I did not regularly check my HA instance.

In general, I wait a few weeks before doing any updates and I always have a plan to revert to a previous version if anything goes wrong.