Has anyone with a Unifi environment noticed that Unifi Protect not working after updating to 3.2.12?
I am off/on HA forums, not a regular. I just hope when 2024.3.2 is released my issue will be fixed.
Same, updated without knowing about compatibility issues. Nuts
March 23, 2024, 2:05pm
I see the upgrade notices for Unifi but wait to upgrade because I know the HA Unifi Integration may have a dependency that breaks when Unifi is updated. This has been an issue for awhile and has been discussed before.
A recent Pull Request calls attention to this issue:
← AngellusMortis:ufp-check-release
opened 03:59PM - 14 Mar 24 UTC
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## Proposed change
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Ubiquiti does not provide any official API or third-party support. They do not give open-source developers preview access to new versions to make their software compatible. They also do not have any kind of rules behind their versioning. A bugfix version can (and has) made breaking changes in the past.
As a result, any new version can break compatibility in unexpected ways. So, the UniFi Protect integration does not officially support any releases that are not on the official release channel to help mitigate this. Based on the fact that version 3.0.x has had 4 issues + numerous comments complaining about EA breaking their HA, the message is not being made clear enough to users that EA versions **will** eventually break their HA and they should not use them if they do not want HA to break.
This PR add an additional check for the release channel being used by the console, updates the messaging to be more specific that any release channel other than Official can break your HA integration as well as resets the EA warning prompt for all users to force them to accept it again. It also removes all references to manually downgrading since Ubiquiti does not want us to tell users to use `apt` to downgrade and instead tells them to restore a backup, which is the "official" way of downgrading, even though Ubiquiti makes that really hard as well.
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- [ ] New integration (thank you!)
- [ ] New feature (which adds functionality to an existing integration)
- [ ] Deprecation (breaking change to happen in the future)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix/feature causing existing functionality to break)
- [ ] Code quality improvements to existing code or addition of tests
## Additional information
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- [x] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works.
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- [ ] For the updated dependencies - a link to the changelog, or at minimum a diff between library versions is added to the PR description.
- [ ] Untested files have been added to `.coveragerc`.
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Thanks for helping out!
To help with the load of incoming pull requests:
- [ ] I have reviewed two other [open pull requests][prs] in this repository.
[prs]: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+-author%3A%40me+-draft%3Atrue+-label%3Awaiting-for-upstream+sort%3Acreated-desc+review%3Anone+-status%3Afailure
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Below, some useful links you could explore:
[dev-checklist]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/development_checklist/
[manifest-docs]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/creating_integration_manifest/
[quality-scale]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/integration_quality_scale_index/
[docs-repository]: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
[perfect-pr]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/review-process/#creating-the-perfect-pr
I did notice, after this post, that my HA had a repair notification warning for this issue. Granted, it was after the Unifi Protect update was available, and I would not have noticed if I did not regularly check my HA instance.
In general, I wait a few weeks before doing any updates and I always have a plan to revert to a previous version if anything goes wrong.