Unifi Protect + RTSPtoWebRTC - How Push Notifications to Open Camera Feed in HA?

I’ve got both UniFi Protect and RTSPtoWebRTC running fine, but I’m struggling to find the magic formula to get push notifications from UniFi Protect events in HA that allow me to launch directly to the WebRTC camera feed within the HA app on iOS. I can get to my cameras page by using the following the data section of the notification:

url: /lovelace/cameras

But I can’t figure out how to get it to open the specific camera I’m interested in so I can see the near-real-time feed from within HA.

Does anyone know how to get it to launch the camera directly?

If I put entity_id: camera.<camera_name_webrtc> in the data section, it’ll give me the ability to see the snapshot of the camera feed in the ios notification and if I long press, play the video in the notification (if it ever loads), but what I want is to tap into the notification and open a direct camera feed. I’ve also set it up so I can tap and open the UniFi Protect app, however that still requires navigation to the specific camera.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Did you ever sort this? Looking to do the same.

No, I haven’t yet figured this out and unfortunately pushed it to the bottom of my list for the time being. I’m still interested in it, however I’m having to deal with the additional clicks and delay for now.