Unifi "track_new_devices" not working?

I have “track_new_devices” set to False in my Ubiquity Unifi tracker (see below) but new connected devices keep popping up.

am I doing something wrong or did I hit a small bug?

`device_tracker unifi:
   platform: unifi
   track_new_devices: False
   port: 8443
   username: username
   password: password
   site_id: default`

New devices will show up in known_devices.yaml but will not show and not tracked in front-end.

I haven’t looked at this in a while but this is how it worked in V16 or so

Sorry, I was not clear; they keep popping up even in the front end even with track new devices: False

I have the same problem with bluetooth tracker.
Hass: 0.31
OS: Raspbian Jessie Lite
Release date: 2016-09-23
Kernel version: 4.4

Same issue here. Driving me crazy; I’m going to have to turn this presence detection component off even though it does assist in the accuracy of my ‘real’ known devices I’m tracking. Hass 0.30.2 on Raspbian Jessie Full

Same issue occurring for netgear tracking. track_new_devices is set to no, also tried false, and all discovered devices show up in “known_devices” with “track: true”. That poisons my “group.all_devices” group, which is used to determine home/away status.

Using the docker image.

I had the same problem until I’ve added track_new_devices: no to all trackers.

The options right now It will look for the configuration options for the device tracker in the first platform and they will apply to all.

Check : device tracker doesn't properly support lists · Issue #1328 · home-assistant/core · GitHub