Unifi wifi Voucher Addon

I made a small add-on I would like to share with you. It lets you easily create unifi vouchers without logging in to the unifi controller. It uses Ingress so you can easily access the web ui from any browser that can access your home assistant.


I made this add-on to learn so any feedback is welcome, but also when using this add-on please realise bugs may excist and the code might not be safe and for sure is not perfect.

This looks pretty good! Is there anywhere to create a voucher via an automation?

This looks great, but how it installed into HomeAssistant?

2nd that, tried every way

How to install this?

Works as a custom add-on as described here: Tutorial: Making your first add-on | Home Assistant Developer Docs

Problem is when trying to add your repo I get this error message Invalid Add-on repository

I used link in first post

I’m sorry it can’t be installed directly from github (when creating this add-on this wasn’t supported yet). I updated the readme to show all the steps. I just tested it on 2022.9 and it works for me.

Seems to be somehow linked to the docker init, but I’m not an expert and don’t know know how to solve it.

I’ve posted my findings on github