Unintentional IP address swapping after RPi board replace

I had a wifi problem on my RPi4 and my seller replaced the board. Can not say it solved the wifi issue but I got another one. Even Hassio (the same installation) is running on ethernet, in few hours the static IP address is swapped to another one!! And of course I cannot signon and all sonoff sensors loose connection with the Hassio. I just see on my router the new IP address allocated for this board, it is always the same: . Maybe it happens because I am using the old static IP address from different MAC ? What helps is power reset only.

Can anyone explain this behavior? what can I do to resolve it?

I found the issue but still have a problem to resolve it.
for the new RPi board the system created a new net connection profile. in this profile there are records with this new IP address. And what’s interesting I cannot remove them. They all with capital letters despite normal records. if I attempt to remove them with nmcli it says: “Error: invalid setting argument”. the example of the proflie records below

ipv4.method:                            auto
ipv4.dns:                     ,
ipv4.dns-search:                        --
ipv4.dns-options:                       ""
ipv4.dns-priority:                      0
GENERAL.DEVICES:                        eth0
GENERAL.STATE:                          activated
GENERAL.DEFAULT:                        yes
GENERAL.DEFAULT6:                       yes
GENERAL.SPEC-OBJECT:                    --
GENERAL.VPN:                            no
GENERAL.DBUS-PATH:                      /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2
GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/3
GENERAL.ZONE:                           --
GENERAL.MASTER-PATH:                    --

GENERAL and IP4 I cannot edit nor remove… How can I get rid of them?