Unique_id from configuration.yaml ignored

I am filtering data from z-wave sensor using the filter platform. When I try to allocate unique_id, which is optional parameter of filter platform, it is just being ignored and no matter what I do, unique_id is derived from the name.

Anything I am doing wrong? Or I am misinterpreting something?

Appreciate your help.

  - platform: filter
    unique_id: abcd_my_unique_id
    name: Wave Pro 1PM filtered
    entity_id: sensor.wave_pro_1pm_electric_consumption_kwh
      - filter: outlier
        window_size: 1
        radius: 10


The entity_id is derived from the name not the unique_id.

The entity_id and unique_id are separate things.

I see, then I got this mixed up. Thanks.
unique_id for entity gives me the possibility to edit the settings in HA, that is all, if omitted, I don’t have the possibility, if specified I have.



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Hi liborson,
Unique_id is only used by the gui as a back-up id to allow changing other names and other backend stuff. Your best move is to use random characters for the unique_id (and not actual words) then it wont confuse you and you find yourself trying to use it somewhere. It is important to have it so that all the frontend magic stuff works, but there is no way you can actually use the name to reference anything. If using VSCode / Code Server editor, there is a UUID creation in the rt-click menu, that’s what I use. Looks like this with one click: 977e5135-b920-4e41-9134-3c68c65bd048 (Just has to be unique in your HA instance.)