Yes, that’s required for customization through the UI. Lots of integrations provide unique_ids and for some manually configured ones you can set it yourself, like for automations,but unfortunately bot for all of them.
Burningstone is correct. If it does not have a formal integration that you can use to create the entities, you end up having entities that cannot be modified through the UI
Hi. I know this is a couple years old now but thought I’d chip in incase it helps anyone…
I use yaml to set up sensors. I found out that you CAN add unique ids to sensors which are setup via mqtt or modbus. All you need to do is add ‘unique_id : 1234567890’ where 1234567890 is any unique string of characters, I usually use the devices MAC address + some suffix indicating the sensors function, but I believe anything can be used as long as it is unique within that instance of Home Assistant.
This will give you the ability to add the sensor to an area and other functions…
Thank you ever so much. I was only finding answers and documents that this was not possible (only in templates) but as you said just add unique_id: d2a2b97d-8794-4d6b-8c81-d5727b683100
(or any other id generated here ), simple as that.