Unique ids for Tellstick entities

Entites created by the Tellstick platform/addon should be assigned unique ids which they currently are not.

All switches, lights and sensors in the Tellstick configuration are required to have a unique id. This unique id could be used as the home assistant unique id. This would allow us to handle the entities in the ui.

I’ve made a PR to fix this here: Add unique_id to tellstick devices by michaelarnauts · Pull Request #63391 · home-assistant/core · GitHub



Is this fix implemented?

Best Regards

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Seems that it is not yet in the official release channel. I still have the issue with having entities with non unique IDs.


I hope it occurs soon; I’m also waiting for this

Well, the PR was merged a year ago, so I don’t know why it isn’t working yet or what’s the hold up.

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Any updates, still not in the official release.