Universal Light Switch

I have a concern about privacy and costs. One reason why I chose HA. I noticed that the price of devices was going up almost a s fast as the privacy of devices was going down.

So I designed my own switch. The first iteration was aTasmotized ESP-01 and relay module with a 85-260VAC to 5VDC power supply which was pretty straight forward and low cost. But for five bucks more I could have a 1.8" TFT touch screen!

Thus was born the OSD Universal Light Switch (see github)

The idea is that you touch one of six places (key) and the device associated with that key is actuated. Importantly, though, is that one of the keys can bring up another menu of keys. This means that you could have many ULS’s, each ultimately able to control every device in your house.

All for about $12. Well, not quite. You already have HA and probably an MQTT broker (which is easily set up) The concept here, though is that each device has its own actuator, eg, the aforementioned ESP-01/relay, a Tasmotized Sonoff D1 dimmer or a Tasmotized Sonoff Basic R4. So $10 for each device. Count your swtiches and devices, The cost to convert would be less than the price of 4 Leviton switches.

The main downside is that this is DIY and requires skills in soldering and wire wrapping and tools. Plus the case has to be 3D printed.

If my documentation is not adequate, please let me know!


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Here’s another important con to add to your list:

Not made from flame retardant materials.

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Yes! true!

I note not UL approved in my referenced documentation. This includes a whole host of other ills and evils, like excessive EMI, RFI, tamper resistance, temperature range, etc. It is not made from sustainable materials. Its parasitic power is probably close to 1W. These are only a few of which I can think in three minutes.

While care has been taken to keep the mains away from the low voltage, it does not preclude a catastropic failure of the power supply (that a fuse may or may not prevent), which could cause the case to melt and burn.

Note that the ubiquitous Sonoff devices are CE approved and not UL approved. CE is not recognized in the USA.

Finally, this is not an all inclusive list of non-complience and situations that may cause, disease (eg. cancer), injury, fatality and/or loss or use of property which may result with the use of this design and, quite frankly, of other designs found on this website.

I think that covers it, but I will not claim that it does.

In all sincerity, @tom_l, thank you for your notation.