Unknown Encoding with ESP8266 IR remote

Hi Guys,

I am working on project to control AC through the IR remote the AC brand is Eomjoi power and I couldn’t get the hex code from ESP8266 IR remote library

the output like this:

Timestamp : 000626.759
Encoding  : UNKNOWN
Code      : F3457ED1 (114 bits)
Library   : v2.6.0

Raw Timing[227]:
   +  2966, -  1768,    +   418, -  1126,    +   418, -  1124,    +   418, -   408, 
 +   416, -   408,    +   416, -   408,    +   416, -  1126,    +   418, -   408, 
 +   414, -   424,    +   414, -  1126,    +   418, -  1126,    +   418, -   408, 
 +   414, -  1126,    +   416, -   410,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -  1126, 
 +   416, -  1142,    +   416, -   408,    +   416, -  1126,    +   416, -  1126, 
 +   416, -   410,    +   414, -   408,    +   414, -  1126,    +   416, -   410, 
 +   414, -   424,    +   414, -  1128,    +   416, -   408,    +   414, -   410, 
 +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   408,    +   414, -   410, 
 +   412, -   424,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   410, 
 +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   408,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   410, 
 +   414, -   424,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -  1128, 
 +   416, -   410,    +   414, -   410,    +   414, -  1126,    +   416, -   410, 
 +   412, -   424,    +   414, -  1126,    +   416, -  1130,    +   414, -   410, 
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 +   412, -   412,    +   412, -   410,    +   412, -   410,    +   414, -   410, 
 +   414, -   426,    +   412, -   412,    +   412, -   410,    +   414, -   410, 
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 +   414, -  1128,    +   416, -  1128,    +   416, -  1128,    +   414, -   412, 
 +   412, -   428,    +   412

 uint16_t rawData[227] = {2966, 1768,  418, 1126,  418, 1124,  418, 408,  416, 408,  416, 408,  416,    1126,  418, 408,  414, 424,  414, 1126,  418, 1126,  418, 408,  414, 1126,  416, 410,  414, 410,  414, 1126,  416, 1142,  416, 408,  416, 1126,  416, 1126,  416, 410,  414, 408,  414, 1126,  416, 410,  414, 424,  414, 1128,  416, 408,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 408,  414, 410,  412, 424,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 408,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 424,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 1128,  416, 410,  414, 410,  414, 1126,  416, 410,  412, 424,  414, 1126,  416, 1130,  414, 410,  414, 408,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  414, 424,  414, 410,  414, 408,  414, 410,  412, 412,  412, 410,  412, 410,  414, 410,  414, 426,  412, 412,  412, 410,  414, 410,  412, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  412, 410,  412, 426,  412, 410,  412, 410,  412, 410,  414, 410,  414, 410,  412, 410,  412, 410,  414, 426,  410, 410,  414, 410,  412, 410,  412, 412,  412, 410,  414, 410,  412, 410,  414, 424,  412, 410,  412, 412,  412, 410,  412, 410,  412, 412,  412, 412,  412, 410,  412, 426,  412, 410,  412, 410,  412, 410,  414, 410,  414, 412,  412, 410,  412, 412,  412, 426,  412, 410,  414, 410,  412, 1128,  414, 1128,  416, 1128,  416, 1128,  414, 412,  412, 428,  412};  // UNKNOWN F3457ED1

How can I solve it please!

Just use the raw code as per the instructions:


1 Like

@tom_l thanks for reply :slight_smile: any clear example I can follow it to work with raw data in esp8266?

There’s an example here.