I am installing integration with Google Nest, following this guide:
Everything went exactly as described up until this point:
Link Google Account
In HA, I enter the Cloud Project ID, followed by Device Access Project ID. I am redirected to a Google page where I can give the permission per device. After that screen I am in a screen to select my Google Account. It goes to an unsafe page, just as described in the guide. I continue anyway and give HA access for the two permissions it needs.
I get the question from HA to link my account and I click “Link account”
I then get this pop up, which is not described in the guide:
The pub/sub topic name is the same as in the device access console, so I click submit. Now I get an unknown error…
I can’t find anything related to this in troubleshooting. Anyone knows how I can fix this?
I am currently experiencing the same error. This is my first install of HA and I have ben struggling the last few days to get it working with my specific setup.
In general all my “issues” stemmed from the fact that I could never get the Nest integration working. Initially after going through the exact stept you described I did not see this popup that we both have now, instead i just got an empty error popup.
Long story short it was because my internet connection is DS-Lite. So I set up a Cloudflare tunnel and now I got past the first step and I am confronted with this same popup as you have.
looking at the HA Logs I can see that a KeyError with the subscriptions key exists.
How can I completely restart the Nest setup? Because somehow it has saved my authentication even after deleting credentials it immediatly goes to this popup still…
OK so strangely accessing HA from external network gives me a clearer error:
Error talking to API to list eligible Pub/Sub subscriptions: Unauthorized response from API (401): UNAUTHENTICATED (401): Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential.
I think we may need to refresh the credentials or similar. Except when I try that and remove credentials it still shows me this popup when I try and install.
I’m not sure how to completely reset this nest process.
UPDATE: In order to “reset” the google Nest process. Remove all Google Nest related service that were setup during the guide. Then reboot HA. For me the process now starts from scratch. I will continue tomorrow and report.
Hi everyone, I removed my Nest integration yesterday because one of my thermostats wasn’t showing so I thought I would do a fresh install. I spend five hours yesterday trying reinstall the integration and am seeing the same error over and over.
You need to manually create a topic in google cloud here: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudpubsub/topic. Default settings worked fine for me, and then selected the new subscription in the setup page of the integration in home assistant.
De oplossing met een topic aanmaken werkt! Dit was het laatste stapje om mijn nest thermostaat in home assistent eindelijk (2 maanden klojo-en) geĂŻntegreerd te hebben. Dank, dank, dank.