Unknown warning message with poor information (Lovelave is running in storage mode)

Just between us: you will come to a point eventually, where you will hate the possibilties offered - because you can’t decide what you really want! :rofl: :rofl: And after that, there is no way out. From that point on, you’re trapped inside Home Assistant and will never, ever get oout again! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome to the loony bin! :laughing: :laughing:

EDIT: There is another project, that was kind of a starting point for Mushroom, UI-Lovelace-Minimalist! There you can configure even more, compared to Mushroom, but it has a steep learning curve and is, imho, not for beginners. You need to know what you’re doing with YAMl. But if you do, with Minimalist you can practically design everything in a HA dashboard… :wink:

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