"Unknown" Weather when using GeoSphere Austria

Hey! I’m VERY new to HA and just found that it supports pulling data from GeoSphere Austria / ZAMG. I added the integration and selectied my local station, but the weather shows up as “unknown”.

It looks like I am having the same issue as HA 2023.1.2 braking ZAMG Wien/Schwechat · Issue #85505 · home-assistant/core · GitHub, but that issue has since been closed and I couldn’t find any instructions there. Someone in the comments posted screenshots of having fixed the issue and seems to have gotten conditions to work, but didn’t mention how: HA 2023.1.2 braking ZAMG Wien/Schwechat · Issue #85505 · home-assistant/core · GitHub.

Can someone more experienced please help out?

What is the status of above issue?

I’m trying to find the best weather integration for Austria, including forecast. It looks like ZAMG doesn’t provide this forecast which is very unfortunate. What are the alternatives that are working good.

There’s still no fix. I’ve gone back to using the default met.no integration. It’s not as accurate as ZAMG but it’s better than accuweather.

That’s a pity, the met.no is terrible when comparing to the reality. I’m trying AccuWeather for now, I will report back if I’m also dissatisfied… the problem is, Austria has a micro-climate at some places and therefore difficult to assume as an average… mine location is in Hinterglemm.

Yep I know! The weather is completely different in different parts of Vienna as well. Averages are completely pointless. I’m not skilled enough to actually update this integration myself or else I’d have done it long ago. It’s such a shame.