unRaid: How do I install HACS in container?

I am brand new to all of this, I am trying to get Home Assistant working with my unRaid server. I got the container version installed via the app store, but I found out it does not have the app store within this version to install HACS so I can get my Reolink camera working with Home Assistant.

I found a section talking about installing it via terminal and i tried that, but after countless restarts I don’t see it displayed within the environment.

This is the output when i tried to install HACS again…

I asked for help on the Home Assistant reddit, but all i got was install the VM… I would really like to try and get the container version working.

That image looks like it worked - what’s the problem? Did you follow the rest of the HACS instructions? Restarting HA and then adding the HACS integration in HA?