UNRAID Integration

:wave: Hello fellow Unraiders!

I’m excited to share a new custom integration I’ve developed that brings comprehensive Unraid server monitoring and control capabilities to Home Assistant.

:rocket: Features

System Monitoring

  • :bar_chart: Real-time system metrics:
    • CPU usage and temperature
    • RAM utilization
    • Boot drive status
    • Cache drive usage
    • Array disk status
    • Individual disk monitoring
  • :thermometer: Temperature sensors:
    • CPU temperature tracking
    • Motherboard temperature monitoring
  • :zap: UPS integration:
    • Battery status
    • Power monitoring

Docker Management

  • :whale: Complete Docker container control:
    • Start/stop containers
    • Monitor container status
    • Execute commands within containers
    • Container health monitoring

VM Control

  • :computer: Virtual Machine management:
    • Start/stop VMs
    • VM status monitoring
    • Automated VM control

Command & Script Management

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Advanced control capabilities:
    • Execute shell commands
    • Run user scripts
    • Schedule automated tasks
    • Background task execution

:wrench: Installation

  1. Add through HACS (recommended):

    • Add custom repository: https://github.com/domalab/ha-unraid
    • Install “Unraid Integration”
  2. Manual installation:

    • Download the repository
    • Copy to your custom_components folder
    • Restart Home Assistant

:books: Documentation

:mag: Example Uses

  1. Automated Backups

    # Weekly backup automation
      - alias: "Weekly Unraid Backup"
          - platform: time
            at: "02:00:00"
          - condition: time
              - sun
          - service: unraid.execute_user_script
              entry_id: "YOUR_UNRAID_IP"
              script_name: "backup.sh"
  2. Smart Power Management

    # UPS monitoring automation
      - alias: "UPS Low Battery Shutdown"
          - platform: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.unraid_ups_battery
            below: 20
          - service: notify.notify
              title: "UPS Battery Critical"
              message: "Initiating safe shutdown"

:handshake: Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:

  • Report bugs
  • Suggest features
  • Submit pull requests
  • Share your automation examples

:new: Future Plans

  • Enhanced Diagnostic Logging
  • More detailed temperature tracking
  • Extended disk health monitoring
  • Additional automation templates
  • Support for ZFS pools
  • Improved error handling

:speech_balloon: Feedback

I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! Feel free to:

  • Share your use cases
  • Suggest improvements
  • Report any issues
  • Ask questions

Happy automating! :house:


thanks, was looking for an easy way to see my containers :slight_smile:

however VMs are always shown as offline. is that a bug or a problem on my side?

@mase Thanks for the feedback. On my system it appears to be working fine although bit of a delay when toggling the switches.

I’m looking into that delay issue to see if I can improve it.

I’ll also look at improving the VM state (stopped, running, paused) validation to see if that fixes the offline issue.

Which version of unraid are you using?

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i´m using v6.12.13, HA is on a VM.

Hey there! thanks for this!!

Im sorry for the dumb question, but where do i find the “Config Entry ID” to run a shell command?


Please have a look here. It has a few examples.

How to use Unraid Service Commands

Hi @ruaandeysel . First off, thanks for sharing your project. We appreciate any work being done to integrate Unraid.
I’m curious to know if this integration is similar to the “Unraid API” from a few years ago that is no longer being maintained. We’ve all been waiting for Unraid to release an official api but I’m not holding my breath. Does this one integrate via web scraping similar to the old one or have you found a more efficient method?

Hello, this integration uses python ssh library to connect to your Unraid server to execute commands and retrieve info for the HA sensors and VM / Container controls.

I found it works better than the UNRAID API that scrapes the web portal and less complex.

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Thank you for that!

Im struggling to run the “powerdown” command.
I get an unknown error when trying to run it via automation or dev tools.

command: powerdown
action: unraid.execute_command

Maybe try it like this

service: unraid.execute_command
  entry_id: ""
  command: "shutdown -h now"


service: unraid.execute_command
  entry_id: ""
  command: "/sbin/powerdown"
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Sadly no luck!

I get this error on running (so helpful! haha)


Finding Your Entry ID

  1. Go to Configuration → Integrations
  2. Find your Unraid integration
  3. Click on your device entity
  4. Click on UNRAID under Device Info
  5. The long string in the URL is your entry_id
  • Example URL: /config/integrations/integration/unraid#config_entry/1234abcd5678efgh
  • Your entry_id would be: 1234abcd5678efgh
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You gave me an idea.

I’m going to to add three new services to control Unraid:

Available Services

  1. unraid.array_stop - Safely stop the Unraid array
  2. unraid.system_reboot - Reboot the Unraid server
  3. unraid.system_shutdown - Shutdown the Unraid server

just to say thanks for this amazing work, was waiting for such an integratio for a very long time. will be following closely new features / updates to come in the future. thanks again!


Removed the buggy Unraid-API and the overcrowded Glances integration and installed this. I know you are still adding features, but your setup is great and very in line with HA design principles.

I appreciate all the effort and will keep updating this.
I posted a bug on github on drive health, before seeing that this is still a missing feature here.

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I found a bug that’s causing the execute command service to fail. I’ll get a fix implemented asap.

This sounds awesome! I will definitely try it out.

Anyway to use unraid connected SmartUPS for power / energy power consumption stats?

Yes, it’s possible! If you have a Smart-UPS connected to your Unraid server, I can add power consumption monitoring. I just need to enhance the existing UPS monitoring in the Unraid integration to include these power metrics.

Not all UPS supports this type of monitoring so will need to figure out a detection mechanism. :blush:

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Love it! :+1::raised_hands::heart: