UnRaid Monitoring

I’m interested and would very much welcome your component.
Thank you

Can i do that, so it updates the stats from glances on unraid, only when its up?
if its not up, then show latest value

the space of the disk array is a must :stuck_out_tongue:

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great! I would be interested too!

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can you share your config for the dashboard?

My dashboard is written specifically for Home Kit Infused or Dwains Theme however the code is available on my GitHub and could be easily ported to your needs

Anyone been able to get this ported to something us mere mortals can use ? I’m no coder/mqtt expert by any means.Tried following the github instructions but got nowhere. Amazing work though @noodlemctwoodle !

are you referreing to noodlemctwoodle cards or this monitoring application?
if it’s the application, all you have to do is install the container in unraid, which is in the community apps section and then use mqtt auto discovery in HA.

If you want any help just ask the question I’m happy to assist where possible. :slight_smile:

I am using Glances, UnraidAPI and Monitor Docker in combination.


Please spill the beans, I need this on my HA. I’ve set up Glances and Monitor Docker, but I only got Glances to work.

Monitor Docker and Glances is enough to monitor my Unraid, but your setup looks very nice.

Hi, not a full install guide, but I have something collected here

Unraid Dashboard (github)


where got you those from:

Hi, these are from the Unraid-API

[Support] Electric Brain Unraid API - Docker Containers - Unraid

The array switch should have these as attributes, for convenience I created template sensors from the attributes.

yes found them, thanks

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I am getting the following error when trying to add the Custom Repository https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/HA-Addons to HACS. I get The repository does not seem to be a integration, but an add-on repository. HACS does not manage add-ons.

Am I doing something wrong?

Hi all, I have started to develop a custom integration for unraid. Feel free to check it out.


Not perfect yet but getting there.


This is awesome! I am planning to move my home fileserver to unraid. Quick question on your custom integration - is it possible to send a shutdown command to the server from HA? For instance, if my HA senses power loss to my house, can I safely shutdown before my UPS runs out of juice? (it’s a dumb ups without usb connectivity and I’d rather not buy a new one).

EDIT: Just saw you have ssh and shell command services. So presumably I can call something like:

  - service: unraid.execute_command
      command: "shutdown -h now"

upon sensing a power outage.

@SvenPaterson Yes you will be able to send shutdown commands. I will be releasing an update next week which will make it easier to safely shutdown, restart unraid. Keep an eye out for that update.

No need to use execute command service.

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