Anyone got a docker template of OZWCP for UnRaid? I can’t get my zwave stick to work properly with mine:
I am using UnRaid as well, I am using Domoticz docker from the Apps tab. (if you are using Community Applications). This has OpenZWave built in. It kind of hard to find and navigate at first so if you need more help I can make a walk through.
I made a copy of the official OpenZwave docker with the correct permission changes to work on Unraid. You can find it here:
Configuration is exactly the same as the official docker.
Cool thanks!
So is that just adding the dialout2 group? Why is that?
I just tried doing this:
FROM openzwave/openzwave-control-panel
MAINTAINER Christian Waite
USER root
RUN groupadd -g 16 dialout2
RUN usermod -a -G dialout2 ozwcp_user
RUN mkdir /config
RUN chown ozwcp_user /config
USER ozwcp_user
VOLUME /config
But it didn’t seem to work. I’ll pull from yours, thanks.
I got mezz64’s docker up and running.
Do you guys know where to find the config and options.xml files on unRAID?